Monday, May 20, 2024


 All I can say is, "WOW!!".  I dropped a few tears on that one.  I am not sure what hit me the most.  During the Covid scamdemic, I wondered if they would go full nazi and start rounding up dissenters who refused the hi-jab.  Thankfully, people from all walks of life came together and put up enough of a stink that they had to back down and then admit that it was a scam (it really does not work) and a way to make tens or hundreds of billions for the medical mafia and their overlords, the pHARMaceutical companies (man, do I love sticking a finger in their eyes).

We have our contingency plans in case it comes to that.  There is no place to run and tech makes it almost impossible to run under the radar. Only God can save one in that scenario - and thus the Saints crying day and night until deliverance comes.  We have not quite gotten there.  Yet.  But it will come.  

Fascism is the perfect marriage of industry and government.  Normally, you expect the gubmint to come to your aid if things are unjust or unfair - but in a fascist regime, they are one in the same so there is no recourse.  No reprieve from injustices imposed on the little guy by the other guy with bigger lawyers and more means.  When you find yourself fighting the government, who is using your tax dollars to prosecute and persecute you, then you are officially cooked...

Go see the movie.  See what the Spirit teaches you.

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