Monday, May 20, 2024


 If the "doom" scenario is part of the picture, then this sparks a civil war in Iran between the hardliner Shia and the moderates that are sick of the compulsive and mandatory religious observance (the devil's plan).

I get the feel that the hardliners are a distinct minority.  They usually are (I am among them in the LDS scene).  If Iran dies out, a major arm of Islam dies with it as the Shias go away.  So, there is a radical element that wants to preserve that, if only for that.  It is more nastalgic than rational, but it will attempt to preserve itself as any living organ does.  Self preservation is a tricky and mysterious thing - sometimes a little delusional in nature.  Satan and his minions, though on the long-term losing side of the equation (love always wins - and the Atonement has already been completed successfully), still hold out for the win (and they are reveling in the current state of affairs as they out themselves and their mortal minions), but the odds-men are still giving the win to the more perfect and more prolific plan (I doubt the satanic plan has been abundantly successful anywhere else in time nor in space).  Oh sure, there may have been temporary wins in the short-term, but no long-term inroads can be made.  LOVE ALWAYS WINS.  It truly is the more excellent way!  Que the Emperor scene with Luke and his father.  When you have experienced the Love that is there and find that the Universe is awash in it, why would you shrink back to an embittered, diminuitive state?  It would be rubbish.

I do not have enough background in OT imagery and prophecy to make a call, but I bet somewhere in there it talks about the beast receiving a wound to it's head and then it recovers and then does its thing....  We shall see how this all turns out.  Meanwhile, I will just turn blue from holding my breath over it all...

Of course, my biggest concern is the enrichment/nuke weapons progress they have made.  In either a CW or radicalization scenario, things could be unstable enough for them to shoot their wad from Libya.  In a CW scenario, a launching of a nuke by Israel in retaliation for a strike on Tel Aviv would solidify any disparate feelings within Iran and they would rally behind the strongest leader and vow once again, "Death to Israel" or "From the river to the sea".  What can you say when hatred abounds on such a level?  And worse, when that hatred becomes irrational?  I have seen that irrational hatred in those who estrange themselves from others against most accepted common norms.  I estranged myself from my MIL for awhile when she rose to her predicted toxic level (I had acted against my wife's better advice hoping that my MIL would finally turn the corner), but I never let my disdain for her behavior, turn to hatred or irrational memories of her.  Just to pity for her twisted upbringing and how satan had gotten the best of her (she is just a spiritual shadow of what she used to be when I first met her).  She is one of those people whom I am thinking of when I recite my favorite quote of, "I am yet to meet a single person who is better off for having loosened their grip on the Iron Rod."

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