Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 So, this is an open letter based on common sense and good principle.  If you are a Stake President, a Bishop or a counselor in a Temple presidency or a humble 14 year old Teacher and you know of someone who is lurking in your midst who has part or parcel in a polygamous relationship in today's environment, you need to use your authority to act to have their membership records invalidated or have their temple recommend revoked, at the very least.  If you are a Teacher, you are to report the gross wickedness within the fold to one in authority that can revoke a TR or invalidate a membership.

IF you do not have enough evidence of said nefarious activities, then you need to keep your mouth shut and (in my case) shut your pie hole and stop spreading rumours that are salacious and defamatory/slanderous in nature.  No, "it should not be surprising these days" to find a polygamist in your ranks.  They need to be rooted out and sent packing if they are found to be guilty of this crime against the current doctrinal set.  A temple recommend is very easy to pull.  In this day and age, that is nothing as it can be done electronically and probably would not even require a face to face with a Stake President (although every accused has the right to stand before their accusers and at least defend themselves).   No Stake President should act under the "orders" of an Area Authority and have someone excommunicated without having the Spirit ratify that decision at the very least.

IF this is NOT corrected, I stand as a witness before God that you are in the wrong and that you stand guilty of stressing my bi-polar wife who will spend countless hours in the night wondering in her mind if there could be ANY shred of possibility that this polygamy thing has any merit to it.  So, I suggest you stop before I get pissed to the point that I "say the prayer" in a wrenching and heartfelt manner.  And I promise you that the pain and misery that you bring down on me in any measure (regardless of what your dislike for me may be coming from) will be visited on your heads to the measure of ten fold.  I get what I ask for.  If my wife gets pissed off, she gets what she asks for.  This blog is full of the recording of those events.  Google Gene Matthews (and the Wood Zone) who was a fellow engineer at Boeing and who hated the Law of Chastity, that I then defended and was met with the most withering verbal assault ever experienced.  He was weighed in the balances of Heaven, was apparently found wanting and is resting nicely in his grave now.  Most fervent prayer ever raised to heaven by me.  Problem solved.  Justice delivered within 72 hours - a rare thing to experience in this life and a fact that pains my wife and I a little (why must innocents have to continuously suffer at the hands of foul men over time instead of a heavenly intervention to remove them from the stage of life).

Another asshole during the Romney presidency years who hated anything "moron" and was quite vocal about it.  Another prayer that he would be humbled.  A few weeks later, he accidentally killed (drowing by car in the Puget Sound at a Des Moines marina and restaurant) his own mother and made the King5 news.  Never had to hear from his pompous mouth again other than a whimpered yes or no.  Asshole problem solved.

For the jerks who constantly complain about my house in it's unfinished state, if you happen to be in the medical profession, instead of complaining, bickering, bitching or trying coerce me into action via the county, please take some time to censure your professional colleagues who, for almost three years created a CSF leak during a botched naso-gastro tube insertion (during intubation for Covid) that was then mis-diagnosed at multiple levels (the worst at the ENT level where a $50 test would have caught it and defined the clear fluid coming out of a single nostril only) and that my humble wife (hardly any formal training in biology, etc) was able to guess and then we were able to navigate the US health system completely advocating for ourselves until we hit the Uof U surgical team who were all surprised that I am still alive.  Every single doctor - surprised that I was not pushing up daisies with a 10% chance of death if not properly diagnosed and left to the eventual meningitis if you fly or do other things that create a negative pressure in the spinal column or cranial sac holding the fluid.  Instead of bitching, get off the high horse, put on the leather tool belt and get over to my place to see what you can do because the NUMBER ONE symptom of a CSF leak is "EXTREME FATIGUE".  So, if you want me to finish my house expeditiously, either fix a health system that is obviously deficient, or come offer a hand to a guy who my benefits adminstrator says ought to be on permanent medical leave because he has no testosterone levels, no adrenaline, no serotonin to produce normal productive sleep - all because the pituitary has been crushed and impacted by the brain fluid problem and attendant pressure problem thanks to the instrumentality of AHS and the Area Presidency overlords who are medical mafiosos (who consider those of us who correctly declared that this FORCED/COERCED jab was neither safe, nor effective, were just the tares among the beloved wheat who blindly did what our Prophet was forced to project via the gads that are putting pressure on him.

IF you spend time working in the oil fields and have several weeks off at a time, feel free to get on over with your tool belt and start swinging a hammer.  I will not turn people away - but I will get awful hot under the collar if I get yet another report back that you or your wife have been bitching about the unfinished roof, while asking for help on your acreage for an afternoon to till around the garden and landscape features that required the tractor and the driver, while his house remains unfinished and in a bitchable state.

You know, we are ALL being judged.  If you judge unrighteously, how I would bow and scrape before the Lord asking for forgiveness.  Especially if I were in a position of power in a Stake Presidency and one of the people I actually have stewardship over was literally at death's door and I never so much as offered my help let alone set about to move people to act in a member of the flock's best interest to see what kind of assistance could be rendered - other than to complain about them.  Not much different than the self-righteous scum that Jesus pointed out that went to the other side of the path when passing the wounded man on the path.  And to add insult on top of insult, the Master (teacher) pointed out in His story that the lowly-regarded Samaritan (Samaritans were considered half-breeds, and not Chosen because they had bred with the locals while the Jews were going through their Chastisement over in Babylon) was the one who actually stopped and did the right thing.  This was the burn of the millennia - and yes, Jesus was edgy and could roast with the best of them - so get rid of your mushy/mealy view of who He was.  He was a bone cutter.

If I were in a Temple Presidency and were spreading malicious and salacious rumours and gal who has a bi-polar condition and who normally finds solace in temple worship now refuses to go for fear of running into someone and giving him a piece of her mind, now no longer goes and the husband who has no fuggin' energy to chase his poor own wife, let alone someone else's woman or whatever, and refuses to go there or to church, wondering who else in the group is secretly wondering who he is chasing or if their 18 year old daughter is in jeopardy of being propositioned by him.

You can all go #&@% yerselves....  I would have better luck in a den of wolves in wilds of the Canadian Rockies than hanging out with this kind of posse.  And then next time I am in a Stake Meeting and am asked to sustain certain people, you can guess who will shoot to his feet with hand raised as high as possible when asked if there any who do not sustain....

I have a mind to take it to the level above you all and shove it down your throats.  From ENTs to "spiritual" leaders and "good neighbors", a little culling of the flock is in order.  But I would just get the same thing I got at corrupt Boeing - the uppers cover for the corrupt underlings instead of censuring them for just plain stupidity.  My hell....  literally.  Reminds me of the scripture Jesus was quoting from Isaiah where he burned the Pharisees to the ground when He pointed out that they were the blind guides who were taking their new acolytes and turning them into twice the children of hell that they were... 

Rant over and out.


  1. Dude, love your blog. As someone who has been the victim of significant abuse. May I offer some unsolicited advice? Invite them to a peace gathering. Those you want to make peace with anyway. If they refuse the invite, you are right before God. If they accept and show up? Give more than you get. The cost of peace or nearer to it at least. Call it a peace tithe if you will. Read "THE PEACE GIVER" James Farrell (You will get PEACE.) with or without them Happy peace making with the willing. extra mile/ give the cloak/turn the cheek THANKS JESUS

    1. Give the cloak. Absolutely, give it to the whole neighborhood. Yeah, how about give the house. Give it to the neighborhood just the way it is forever or maybe garnished with a few more accent rubble and then walk away. Then walk away with peace knowing the eye sore you walk with in your brain and perhaps the possible eye pressure and fluid pressure that could be developing on the optic nerve (just as it had done to the pituitary) that could potentially cause blindness, is what you deal with the rest of your life is a bit greater than the eye sore they will have to look at (with their working eyes) the rest of their life. Peace….Awwh. That is an interesting segway and future talk to merge those two concepts—walk the extra mile/give your coat while loving your neighbour as yourself concept.

      I always asked if that second mile scripture applied if you were being raped, would that mean you spread your legs and tell them to go again…Twain…a second time?

      But to gather in an attempt to achieve peace is definitely something Woodzone man could explore.

      And another scripture that seemed absolutely new to me that I never noticed in the Book of Mormon until the latest reading to ponder on…

      Mosiah 23:13-14

      “….that ye trust no man to be a king over you…

      and also trust no one to be your teacher not your minister, except he be a man of God, walking in his ways and keeping his commandments. “

      And then this thought to ponder? So Christ had already attempted a
      peace offering, I suppose before the cleansing of the temple each time he cleansed it? Was the peace offering when he had the sermon on the mount? Did they attend that? Was the peace offering when he healed their neighbors and they gritched about it being done on the Sabbath Day? In what manner did he try to use a gathering to garner peace? Certainly it wasn’t when he turned over the tables at the temple; they would have called security you would have thunk. And a temple with not one stone left a top another isn’t much of a peace offering (speaking of houses and rubble). Maybe the Peacegiver wasn’t available for reading back in the meridian of time.

      But surely his teachings were, so one day, with Christ’s help, he will help me to properly merge the go with him twain, second mile, give your cloak as well as your coat, with love your neighbor as yourself.

      Does a beaten woman love herself if she continues to allow her husband to beat her and give her bruises? Or does she love herself but she just feels trapped so she does nothing to get out of the situation? Does allowing her husband to continue beating her illustrate that she loves her husband (neighbor)?

      You could substitute any word for hhusband into the above questions…even words from Mosiah 23:13-14.

    2. Mr. truth seeker. Keep seeking, your not there yet. Your exaggerations missed the point of my comment entirely. The proactive, with love approach leaves you blameless before God. You decide with the gift of discernment if you will continue with the repentant/unrepentant or not. Make them re-earn your trust. Or not. Offer forgiveness freely. Thus the peace invitation. May I offer a bit of logic? Christ says: Of you it is required to forgive all men. I will forgive who I will forgive. Why then, does he offer the gift of discernment as a gift of the spirit. We are not required to trust all men. Those who have hurt us by trampling the golden rule Can repent and change. Proactively invite them to change from your position of strength. Your earned position of strength allows you to give more than you get. Thus the voluntary peace tithe. Peace has a cost. A peace offering if you will. You and only you determine the price. Every ones free will intact. Iraq
      Paul talks about false accusers in the last days. Call them out with Love. Begging is not part of this transaction. This is not a power play. It is a potential Peace Play.

  2. Dude....what is happening to you, polyg gossip attacks, your body breaking down on you. We should all keep you and your family in our prayers. I hope you can focus prayers on you and your family. I will and I hope others out there will to. Pray these attacks can just roll off you and family like water off a ducks back.

    I am always cautious what I tell others what I believe, even my Molly Morman wife. We all learn things at different speeds. During the pandemic I had given warnings about the false pandemic and the threats the jabs represented on social media, and a local Molly Morman attorney stated in a ward meeting that any such warnings of the threats of the jabs would be damaging to people's health and was irresponsible, to paraphrase, and I may have been a little kind on the anonymous reprimand without pointing at me...... as though we don't have a freedom of speech of what we truly believe... he must have been more democrat than republican.

    I really don't believe that the President of the Church would purposely deceive membership into taking the jab knowing that it would kill many members and disable many hundred of thousands or millions of others over the coming years, just to obey the Deep State! Leadership is as much like the rest of the membership of the church that believe whatever the media complex tells them, must be true; everything is measured against this "arm of man". They consider other sources to be extremists and to be ignored. The membership have thought that such intelligent and spiritual??? leadership would have to know the truth of it, yet support of government by our Leadership is just a knee jerk reaction. Such behavior is the old fashioned condition called "PRIDE". you don't have to vet these things, because you already know! We are all susceptible in some ways.

    My sister took the jab and developed Bells Palsy with in a week.
    My unvaxed wife came down with shingles, most likely from shedding by people right about the same time everyone was getting the jab in the early spring. A 37 year old friend of my daughter came down with serious cardio problems right after the shots came out - no doubt where that came from. Others in my small circle of people I know who likely has something to do with the shots or shedding was my niece's husband around age 70 who had no health or heart issues just feel dead at home. Another class mate fell dead walking out to the barn with his dog and just fell dead.

    Oh by the way there is speak by the PTB, of another plandemic coming within a couple of years and these Powers That Be are trying to outlaw or stop production of Ivermectin. I don't know when the people will pickup on efforts to reduce the population of US and the earth. This is pure evil being enacted on the dark side of every organization of guberments, industry and finance.
