Monday, December 9, 2024


 This guy clearly acted out of desperation.  Out of vengeance, malice and hatred.

But, hear me out.  If I were on a jury and heard his story (likely his momma or himself or a very cherished sibling got screwed over when a critical treatment was denied to them by an executive's policy whose sole reason for existence is to push for the denial of benefits, to increase his company's profitability, increase "shareholder value" and whose main objective is not to increase the well-being of his constituents), I would have likely let the guy off the hook after a psych eval, so long as he wore an ankle bracelet for the rest of his life and was never allowed to buy firearms, etc.

Why?  Because this fat cat exec likely denied him something that was critical for human survival and he probably did the only thing he knew how - go to the source and "take care of the problem".  Possibly, if the denied treatment were for him, he would have nothing to lose if he were going critical anyway.  We all have to die sometime....

Radical you say?  Nope, I call genius in a world where corruption (people being bought out for ridiculous amounts of money) is rampant.  Have you ever asked yourself why people are paid the salaries they are?  Often, inflated salaries are paid out to dull the conscience of the initiate into the world of the Gadiantons, where the payouts and perks (gains) are more ridiculous the higher up the chain you go.

If this fellow had lashed out at the person on the end of the phone, he would have done the unthinkable to someone who was just doing what they were told.  In this instance, he went for the guy who likely pushed the policy button that got him into the health pickle that he is in.  A guy at the top of the chain who likely did not have a conscience.  Why no conscience?  Because for every minute he is at work, he is earning $75 per minute at his $10 million dollar salary.  This is how the Gadiantons work to screw the average person over: pay them ridiculous salaries and basically bribe them to screw the people to increase profits.  This is how Big Harma (not necessary the health insurance companies, but the purveyors of poisons) has screwed over the average man today.  They create the poisons, then get the average "in-doctor-inated" whitecoat to push their drugs to the average unsuspected/trusting fellow human being.  The doctors earn half or more of their incomes from big harma for having pushed their poisons.  So, while they live in veritable mansions by earning their filthy lucre, the rest of us unsuspecting and trusting people suffer the ill effects of their actions.  Many (not all doctors are bad - like those who set bones, deliver babies, promoters of good diets, etc) are just doing what they think is best, based on their knowledge.  Some know the truth and fight against the corruption.  Others know the truth and turn a blind eye to it.  Over time, they cannot deny the facts staring them right in the face.

So, if your loved ones perished on an airplane that was known to be faulty and an executive over safety hid those defects from the traveling public, the oversight (FAA) and they did it to keep the stock prices from plunging, what would you do if you did not fear a Just God?  Me?  I would be inclined to do the exact same thing this kid did in NY.  Thankfully, I know the plan and would never go there, knowing that if it does not get taken care of in this world, it will happen in the next life.  But as the vectors of godlessness cross each other (a population who is sick of getting screwed and does not believe in eternal consequences and the other vector of Gadiantons who just are in it for gain (money and power) and care not for the little guy who is getting screwed), you will begin to see more and more of this.  In fact, the pulling of the names of the executives off of of healthscare websites is telling.  They know that the lax public response (no outrage over a cold-blooded murder) tells them all they need to know; the average person is pissed at the fat cats who are living large, while we are collectively getting screwed.  Mutiny is afoot....

This is NOT a bad thing; precisely because it will lead to self-correcting behavior.  If these fat cat execs that are screwing the people over just to line their pockets, fear for their lives (if they are too deadened in conscience to do the right thing out of fear/respect of God), then they might act appropriately out of fear instead out of a sense of morality.  Either way, it gets the job done.  If the average person lets these types off and we see a wave of this overtake those who have dealt unjustly, then the will of the people have spoken.  Am I for lawlessness or violence?  Nope.  But I am for people treating each other in a fair-minded way.

In Japan, there is corruption, yes.  But there, the salary of the average high level manager is on order of less than an order of magnitude of the average working man's salary.  They are not put on a pedestal, just paid for the extra headache they might have as part of their job role or the amount of headache they had to put in to get their education in order to perform their job role.

So, either way, the system will self-correct and the Gads will not utterly escape their fate.  Either in this life, or in the next.

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