Monday, May 13, 2024


 What a dream!  It seemed like it took up most of the night.  In fact I woke up two hours late for work because I was working away on it so hard.  In actual life, I was listening to a podcast of him and half-brother of Castro-spawn (Canada's marxist PM) and fell asleep with that going.  In my dream, agents were trying to kill off Tucker because he was making too many good points against them and due to his following, decided it was time to eliminate him.

I had bumped into him and somehow got invited to go out on the town after a meeting he had.  His intention was to have a drink at a bar before he went back to his hotel for the night.  We met up with some of his colleagues and were trying to get to this place when they attempted to kill Tucker and I in an elevator when we had been isolated.  Somehow, I said something that thwarted that attempt (by letting them know this would be live-streamed, or something) so the attempt was off.  As we were walking to the place to meet his friends, I decided to show him how to fly.  He did very well on his first attempt, but landed pretty hard.  I then reasoned that, if we could levitate and overcome gravity, that we could then walk on water (or just above water).

I spent the rest of the night convincing him and others to learn to do it.  Fun times!

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