Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 There seems to be a connection to the Balkans and World War....

Hopefully, this is not a harbinger of things to come:

He is pro-Russian, so I do not know which way to pray (for or against him).  As far as the whole Ukraine vs NATO thing, I have the same funk.

One of my great fears/concerns is rooting for the wrong team.  There is no way to know but by the direction of the Holy Ghost.  He seems to be in short supply.

So my prayers are often vague - praying that the Lord's will be done.  Is there any other way to go?

1 comment:

  1. There is no good side here, Russia vs Ukraine (Nato and US).
    parts of Ukraine were populated by Russians during the Soviet era to justify Russia taking back more territory. I am sick of this war killing so many Ukrainians breaking up families crippling the countries economy and threatening the european bread basket as well as many Russians in which no one is that engaged in this war, except the rulers.

    This war as well as the middle east conflict are coordinated by the globalists - or the secret combinations, to which the US and western nations (Nato) are feeding this monster, to feed hatred and conflict, to eventually bring on a world war leading to a one world government to fight Russia and China.

    This has been going for a long time. It was western finance that supported the communist take over of Russia, to create a future enemy. The US refused financial military aid to Chiang Kai-shek that lead to the communist take over of China right after WW II.
