Thursday, January 12, 2023


 This is a great interview - and wow, always impressed with Hannah Stoddard.  What a gal!:

I love that they are both pushing the Conservative view of LDS theology.  Of course, the Progressives can just go to hell where they belong until they have marinated for awhile and the knee can bend a little easier and the tongue confess a little more.

The Progressives want to push less power.  The Conservatives push more power.  The truth is there; there is no "dual track" on historical views.  It is either what it is, or there is this washed out version.  Same thing with Brigham's teachings.  It is either what it was, or it is something else.  There is NO dual track:

People need to get that through their thick heads.  The alternative is a HARD row to hoe.  And God will require it at all of their hands.  Those who are throwing BY under the bus are part of this.  I will ensure those who have influence over my children, who refuse to repent, will spend their share of time in spirit prison, if I do not have my wish that they receive punishment/sorrows in this life.

It astounds me that they reject the truth and then wonder why their kids are astray and having issues with chastity, WoW and so much else.  It is like:  No Duh!!  Wake up people.

Again, I state and concurrently warn:  

There is not a single individual who has loosened their grip on the Iron Rod, who has experienced an increase in spiritual power, has an increased countenance or that truly has more joy in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. You already know me for several years and I have sometimes locked horns with you over a few points of doctrine or political matters.

    We have had profound disagreements over some issues and probably still do.

    But one thing that I have noticed that I can no longer deny...especially over the last few years and especially since the p(l)andemic...I have lost SEVERAL friends from the Church, all of them, save one, were the types of people that were looking more to what the different scholars were saying about different ideas and subjects, rather than simply just looking at the Scriptures and the Prophets and what they are saying. They were easily tossed aside by whatever the people were saying, and when a couple of close friends of theirs were X'd because they were clearly going down apostate paths, they chose to follow them rather than follow God. It's been sad to see.

    Then I see on the other side of the ladder the DoC types, the Snuffer types, and others who do not like the Church's direction now these days. A lot of guys that before were good, but are QUICKLY losing knowledge even as they claim to find more of it. The scriptures are clear -- read and apply what you do have, and you will be given more knowledge. Stop doing so, and you will lose even everything which you have received up to that point.

    Your journey has been quite interesting. You've been buffeted about especially by the latter group, and maybe you left a little bit but you realized that the path that you were about to go on was one that you could not continue on, so you went back to the basic knowledge, then started moving there again affixed to the Rod.

    Please take care, IRAQ. I think I am starting to understand why these things are happening in the world right now...a LOT of undesirable things are about to be revealed. Hold fast to the Rod, hold fast to your faith in Jesus Christ. Follow those messengers that point to Jesus Christ.

