Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 I do not care who I offend.  The only person I care about offending right now is God, my Father and His Son.  I warn you that you will not be pleased if you cannot handle a little profanity.

I have had seriously enough of limp-wristed soy boys running the show in babylon - both in guvmint and church affairs.

Number one.  I do not worship a person.  I worship God in the name of Jesus Christ only.  I do not attain my salvation through a man, no matter his calling.  I revere the Prophet Joseph Smith - precisely because he took a stone to the head in true prophet fashion.  A prophet takes one for the team.  He will have some input on my salvation as to what I actually did with what he gave his life for; the Book of Mormon.  I will have some input on my salvation in the form of the Twelve that Jesus called when He was on the earth and I will have to answer to them precisely because almost every one of them died a terrible death for the word that they put forth, so that we would have the testimony of Jesus to this day.

All others, especially those who speak soothing words, instead of the hard things, are NOT prophets.  They are tools of satan.... in furtherance of his hellish kingdom on this earth.

It is completely laughable to me that we have people who virtually worship someone who has not put it all on the line in behalf of the cause.  The last true prophet that we have had since John Taylor (WW sold Celestial principle out to the highest bidder) has been Ezra Taft Benson.  He spoke hard things and was ridiculed (even by my own mother) for his hard line stance against communism and his warnings against a worldwide conspiracy to sap the lifeblood out of every nation (welcome, btw...).  A prophet DOES HARD THINGS.  A prophet does NOT cave into social pressure, no matter the cost.  A prophet holds to principle.  Hell, I have done it and paid heavy prices (but have never taken a stone to the head).

Fact is this; not a single one of them who has the title, but does not act in that role will obtain their salvation privily if they have thrown those of us who are standing on principle, under the bus.  They will have to go through the LaVoy Finicums, the Bishop Koyles and so many others to be able to move forward before those who have the loftier titles (and attendant responsibilities) are able to move forward.  Why should slackers move to the front of the line?!?  Those who put out, obtain....  I am so disgusted with the arrogance.

I do not do 5 minute intros before a speech at BYU where the incessant lauding of titles, education levels, service history in the Church.  Titles mean ZERO to me.  Pieces of shit like Klaus Schwab have advanced degrees up the wazzu but will spend who knows how long in the klink for furthering the kingdom of the d'evil instead of glorifying God's ways.  I want to see the works first.  My opinion??  Instead of seeing a doctor running the show and touting the miracles of science and how many were saved due to a heart transplant, I want to see a humble guy from Tonga who raised so many from the dead with no instruments or inventions or gadgets, but through true power in his priesthood.  That impresses me.  That inspires me.  The rest of the madgick spawned largely from the devil, I care not for. I care not for pharmakeia or sorceries of whatever you want to call it.  It is all the works of the hands of men.  I care for humility, true power and true sacrifice in doing the hard things.  This is what brings my love and adoration.  This is why I celebrate the birth, the life, the death and the overcoming of death and hell in Jesus Christ, the true Son of God.  Not the shit from the imitation.  I want no part nor parcel of it.

I do not care if you are a pompous arrogant sealer in a temple, blinded by the arrogance of the achievements of your son who wears the white habiliments of the false priesthood of the god of this world.  It is nothing to me.  I condemn it all.  It will ALL come to naught.  What gifts do you bear?  Do you have the gift of prophecy?  Do you heal in the name of Jesus Christ?  If not, don't bother me.

I care nothing for an institution that is not capable of perfecting it's members.  If the majority of them are pedophiles because you have twisted the true doctrine of marriage, or have billions of dollars in monies in the treasury, yet the face of the poor have been grinded upon.  You WILL fall with the Great Whore of Babylon.  The Book of Mormon was written for the people who have it in their hands, not those who will never read it.

The sorry old excuse that we are "going along to get along" with the world and to become popular or to avoid persecution is so much bull shit....  When the temple that sits outside my window is empty because the sealer and his wife (and most other patrons/workers) are sitting on the curb wrapped in black plastic because they have attempted to harass my wife over her unwillingness to "vaccinate" and be a responsible global citizen, what will ye think then?!?  No temple work will get done on the inside of a plastic bag by those who have made a covenant with death and hell.  President Nelson does not die a natural death.  Vivid shaft of lightning for using science to steady the ark.  Read Isaiah 28 with just a modicum of the spirit of prophecy and you will know what I am talking about.  Great are the words of Isaiah.

I have to say, I have NEVER dreaded Conference more than I do now.  If it is a constant parade of face diapers and smooth words showing subservience to satan's dominion, I am out.  It is not the Church I grew up in.  It is as much a used garment as the church was in Jesus' day.  Something to be cast off and burned with the rest of the useless constructs in this fallen world.  One that MUST be replaced by something of a higher order.  The Church of the Firstborn.  If the pattern is lost on you, I feel sorry for you.  I always wondered how we would have two capitals in the church going forward.  Was it going to be one in Utah and one in Independence, MO?  Nope, I now see things as they will be.  The destruction will be so great there that this discarded garment will be cast into the fire.  The soft words will cease and doctrine will again be taught.

So my plea is this:  please speak hard words in four days.  I need them.  We ALL need to hear that we still have a mouthpiece and that the silence in the heavens no longer continues.  That silence is deafening to me.  To see the lemmings go off the cliff of delusion into vaccine madness is honestly more than I can take some days!  Good people everywhere crashing and burning.  It is excruciating to see.  Some people are just plain ignorant because they wander in a spiritual desert, but know not where to find the truth.  Please, please, please wake up to a sense of the awfulness of your situation.  Please please understand the message of the Book of Mormon that we must come unto Christ and not a man.  There is NO SALVATION in being a good global citizen, where the low road has been taken.  Always seek for the high ground.  That is the only safety - for the floods of wickedness will overtake you.  The fire will rush in and consume you.  The Lord will have a perfect people.  He will not take a corrupt people to Him.  The earth was destroyed the first time by water because all flesh had become corrupt before Him.  We are corrupting ourselves before Him once again by altering our DNA via graphene, etc.  His name is written in our DNA.  With the covenant with death and hell, this ceases to be so.  Do not be deceived!  Do NOT allow it.

If we do not hear prophesying at Conference, if we do not hear of miracles being performed by the adminstrators of the Lord's Kingdom on the earth, if we do not see mighty works to save the widow and the poor when the means are available, then we do not have the Lord's kingdom, we have a cheap imitation of it.  It will be taken from one not worthy of it and given to another.  The days of the Gentiles will have proven to have passed and this filthy garment will have need to be burned in the fire.

It will be a tragic end.  And I do not hold my breath.  I have not since the second worst day of my life, Jan 20th....


  1. Amen. When Church leadership quit going to bat for the victims of pedophilia in the scout program, I began to hang my hat to go to church.

    I was in ward council one morning and the bishop at the time said so and so they convicted child molester, molested a toddler was known to be at church that day. Their response was somebody needs to make sure that the bathrooms are being watched so that that person's not alone with anyone in the bathroom. I pretty much decided at that point that this is not for me. There was no line in the Sand that could not be crossed.

  2. Brother Wood, I've been following your blog for years now and have enjoyed it for many different reasons but mostly because you've been a voice for us all that feel he same way you do. I admire your dedication and commitment to the Lord and pray for you in these tough times. My plea to you is to not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It is hard to see one of the few strong voices out there desire to leave the Lords church where the true priesthood power and Keys are found. I don't support the V a ax and won't be getting it but feel I need to put my frustration on hold and be patient and see what God has in store for us. A Test, a Test, A Test, is coming.. Let's pass this test together. I don't feel uneasy with putting the Prophet's "urging" aside and still sustain him as such. I appreciate your view point and hope to see each other on the "same side" in the end.

  3. Love this!!! It is time for the rest of the LDS people to finally wake up. I believe that Satan doesn't really care if you are a member of the LDS faith, or the baptist, or the catholic, or none. I believe he doesn't care if you read your Book of Mormon, or Bible, or anything else. If we do not understand the true meaning of the words, and the true doctrine that is hidden from our eyes in parables it won't matter what you have read and believed. I have always wondered why the leaders of the church have often counseled us to not read anything that could be considered Anti-Mormon. I have come to the conclusion that it is because much of it is correct. They have changed the true history so much that we only have folklore stories and fictional facts to try and work our way through justifying our beliefs. (strongly recommend anyone to read "the exoneration of emma, joseph and hyrum") If you read what they don't want you to you might actually find out all the truth. Does the Church have a purpose, sure, but once you have learned all they can teach you it is for us to individually part the veil and learn how to converse with God directly. We need to be a people that receive our own revelation, not rely on someone else to go to Him and get us answers, about anything. When we learn the real truth the scriptures come alive. We can find great mysteries and truths buried in the misinterpretations of the bible and great deeper meanings in the Book of Mormon. When we understand that the Doctrine and Covenants were written with end time(not Joseph Smiths time) context they make way more sense. We can see what we are about to go through. How to be in a better place of safety and help others.
    D&C 85:7 And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, TO SET IN ORDER THE HOUSE OF GOD, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God;

    If he is going to set in order the house of God, and the LDS people supposedly believe they are the house of God, then why does it need setting in order? Why don't we ask these questions when we read the scriptures.
    2 Nephi 28 and Mormon 8 are clear that there are no Churches on the earth that are right, and this is not talking about Joseph Smiths time. And Sorry to break it to you but there are non today.
    The LDS church has been off the rails for a while, but it will get fixed by the one mighty and strong. If you have the spirit when he comes on the scene and wrecks your belief system(mainly LDS traditions) and teaches truth. If you have the spirit you will receive it with gladness. I hope we all will, but know there are too many that have taken the Traditions of their fathers in the LDS faith as truth and will not be willing to give them up. Sad but true. Praying for you Eric and anyone else who will wake up. You are not alone. There are many seeing the writing on the wall everyday and waking up to our awful situation. Yes it is hard to finally admit the worst thoughts about the church coming true but it has and is going to manifest itself even more. Don't worry if many put hurtful comments saying you are going astray. I have been astray for over a decade now, and never been closer to the Savior. Watching it unfold has been sad and interesting at the same time. We have much more to witness. Those that are taking the holy spirit as their guide will be just fine.

  4. I feel much as you do. Disappointed. Why cant they see this? I dont like the vax and wont get it. However i view this as a Martin Harris situation and the 116 pages. I would not be surprised if they have not prayed about this. I think they think because vaxes where good in the past they are good today. They have many martins yelling in their ear to do something and they are in my opinion rely upon past medical experience. He is NOT a fallen prophet but i think just giving in to all the Martin Harris's. I think this will be a teaching lesson just like then and the Lord will prepare a way. DO NOT LEAVE the CHURCH. Church is true. Just realize as Elder Holland once said the church is ran by people and people make mistakes.

  5. While I was reading your post I just felt So sorry for you. Sorry that you are not seeing the bigger picture in what is going on. You are a smart man, but seeing only an inch far. I am afraid that you will not stay in the boat. The waves are small and you are falling. The big waves didn't even come yet.
    Be patient my friend. Hold on to the rod. Let the be peace in your heart. There is a hard time coming towards the members of the church, many will turn against their own. Please don't be one of them.
    You will get your fight, but be on the right side. For now you are sliding. Most of it is, because you are not a Prophet. President Nelson is. Everything is playing out just the way it has to. Please be still and don't give up. From your words, you are almost out, but please don't slam that door. Step back and know, that God knows what he is doing. Sifting is here. Trust in the Lord and His Prophet.

    1. a prophet is a leader and an honest one at that, so please tell what is truthful in the announcement about urging to get the vaccine, i have been a faithful member for 40 yrs and have never seen such a worldly and false statement as that announcement, our highest government leaders in nsa,cia,fbi,cdc,doj,irs,etc are gadiantons, and anyone who thinks 80 million people voted for biden is very naive

    2. If he was a Prophet he would have received a revelation. If you can give me one actual revelation he has had i will believe he is a Prophet. According to joseph smith, revelations need to come by "thus saith the Lord" or "by way of commandment". tpjs i believe page 272ish. so like i said give me one, and not just these supposed good teachings that he puts out there like "come unto me" that was written by an advisory counsel and then stamped by the first presidency. Not a change in church policy and procedures. not another temple announcement. because i have news for you... That is not revelation.
      Also If these men really talk to the Savior where are their faith promoting stories about it? another news bulletin "They haven't". Dallin h oaks confirmed this on a hot mic. Joseph Smith didn't shy away from telling his most spiritual experiences to promote faith, nor did any other true Prophets. they are not too sacred. They are not having them, so they had to pull the wool over our eyes that they are too sacred. this way we don't question them. But we should be questioning them. we should be going to Heavenly Father ourselves and asking him for the truth. If we rely on a man to do it for us we are no better than the children of Israel. Do you think you are worthy of a Celestial Glory when you can't go to God yourselves? Why do we think that we are immune from all the apostasy spoken of in the scriptures? Because we are afraid of being wrong? The wilford woodruff teaching that a prophet would never lead the people astray is a false teaching. We would rather hold hands with the government than really accept the truth and be free. Wake up Latter Day Gentiles. Yes the Book Of Mormon came about through the latter day Gentiles, or LDS people. So now when you read them remember this. We have a lot of repenting to do.

  6. Church is the best we have. It has the power and authority to get us where we need to be -- Church of the Firstborn. Things will work themselves out. It is not our place to steady the ark. Things will unfold fairly quickly from here. This is a bad time to have membership in doubt. Stay strong and trust in God.

    1. Sometimes the best of mankind isn't good enough.

      BTW, while the church can claim authority, it doesn't have power. The only priesthood power that exists is through the fulness of the priesthood, which is only given by God, and no one else. In fact Elder Packer once gave a talk where he stated that in priesthood ordinances and blessing to only state it is done by authority, not by power.

      Power comes by faith. The LDS church kills faith. When I left it was full of the spiritual walking dead.

  7. The rod isn't a church. It is the word of God.

    Note: Lehi and Nephi had no church, only a couple families. They left the seeming safety of Jerusalem. Maybe some friends and neighbors gave them the same advice you're giving us.

    Peter got his test of faith by stepping out of the boat, not by staying in it.

  8. The rod isn't a church. It is the word of God.

    Note: Lehi and Nephi had no church, only a couple families. They left the seeming safety of Jerusalem. Maybe some friends and neighbors gave them the same advice you're giving us.

    Peter got his test of faith by stepping out of the boat, not by staying in it.

  9. Remember you made promises/covenants to God - not any man who will come and go. Stay with the Lord's church.

  10. To me it looks like the light has gone out in their eyes. The First Presidency members and the Twelve all look so worried and so guilty to me. It looked like the guilt was just crushing Elders Holland and Renlund and their talks about mercy sounded as if they were desperately hoping God would have mercy on them. It was so sad.

  11. Something to consider here: If an imperfect man or even an outright liar who has been given the priesthood baptizes someone who is innocent, is the baptism nullified for the recipient? No. If an unworthy servant enters the temple unworthily and does proxy work for the dead, does it count against the dead? No. Likewise, if a prophet or apostle is imperfect or a liar or deceived, are the keys they hold not still valid? They are at BEST imperfect men. God is leading His church despite imperfect people. Yes, even with many sinners and sometimes deceived leaders. But the keys are here and will not be taken until they are given back to Christ at Adam ondi ahman. The church is God's. It is not corrupt, but literally everyone in it is, you and I included. The answer? Repent, be worthy, and commune with the Spirit. If so, the Spirit will show you all things what you should do.
