Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I mentioned in an earlier piece, that we are on a parallel course with the second temple in Jerusalem:

Folks - if you would like to get the pulse on the third/fourth temple movement in Israel, this is it:

I highly recommend that you watch this video.  Along with the info about the altar at the two year mark and Trump as Cyrus, it talks of Cyrus not being around after the third year.

Maybe, just maybe, this is the reason I am feeling the pinch to get all my ducks in a row by this June/July.  If he does a Cyrus and goes out by whatever method during the third year, there will be civil unrest if not outright war.  I seem to think that the info on the Ezra's Eagle shows him not being around after a second term.   I have to look that up - but am way too busy.  Any help is appreciated - put the info in the comments.

Also the Jews are calling for the third temple right now.  I would not be surprised if they did not hit by the two year mark to make that analogy correct.

Possible scenario:  Trump taken out, anti-Christ rises and calls for the building of the third temple as a way to quell the nations’ unrest (but not on temple mount) and then things go into high gear?

Just a wild guess.  The two year mark, I am firming up on as more information comes in.  It will not be built on Temple Mount, however.  UNLESS, there is a MASSIVE EQ and the thing is leveled and they decide to build a massive complex there that keeps everyone's interests in mind, and not just the Muslims'....

The two apostles who will pass over there are already in place and ready to go.  All of the key players are in place.  It is just a waiting game until the chips fall where they will.


  1. I really think Trump is laying the groundwork for the entrance of the Antichrist, but I don't think he realizes it. Been looking into the Noahide laws lately, and as a Christian, it's kind of worrisome. One of the laws calls for the decapitation of anyone who worships idols, and many rabbis think that the worship of Christ is idolatry. Also, they have set up the Sanhedrin--the court that tried Christ and found him guilty--with the goal of replacing the United Nations. Now, whether they can achieve that goal is debatable, but with the help of the Antichrist... Interesting times we live in.

  2. According to Ezra's eagle, our current president, Trump, will leave office by unnatural means, presumably by either assassination or impeachment. The amount of time is not specified, so in the context of Ezra's eagle we can look for assassination or impeachment. He'll either be taken out before the next election, or if he's re-elected, before he finishes the second term. Full details here:
