Thursday, April 11, 2019


I have not verified these numbers - but I would not be surprised....  It stands to reason:

Google "number of sexual partners and divorce rate". The graphs you will see show that the more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to divorce you in the future.
For example, a virgin who has never been with a man has a 20% chance of divorcing the man she marries sometime in the next 10 years. 
A woman who has been with a man in the past has a ~47% chance to divorce her new partner in the next 10 years. 
A woman who has been with 3 men in her past has a ~60% chance of divorcing the man she remarries. 
A woman who has been with 8 men in her past has a ~82% chance to divorce the man she remarries.
A man must calculate, what is the risk of this woman divorcing me and taking me for all I'm worth? For promiscuous hoes, that risk is very high. For high quality women, that risk is much lower.


  1. You would likely see similar numbers on men. I had noticed men who were promiscuous before marriage were more likely to stray during marriage. All these young people thinking they will settle down once they are married are in for a surprise.

  2. What about the ones that have sincerely repented. Does that count?

    1. Statistically, women will be less satisfied with their current marriage as the number of previous sexual partners increases.
      But Christ has overcome the world, and through Him, all things are possible. Ask whatsoever ye shall stand in need, believing, and ye shall receive it. There are MANY scriptures supporting the redemption and happiness given to those who repent.
      So, yeah, that counts.
