Wednesday, February 11, 2015


There were some great follow-on comments to the first Chip blog piece:

Why on earth a Chip? My ID card (portuguese ID card, right now the most advanced system in place in the world) has encoded both my index fingerprints, and also my iris hash numbers). The government knows well who I am, and I only have to present an finger or an eye in order to be recognised, in case I lose my card and need to make a new one. The card also encodes a digital version of my pen signature and, albeit showing only a B&W photo, encodes a full colored photo in the memory. Actually it is more advanced at establishing identity than my passport.

I do not feel threatened *at the moment* by it (nor comfortable). I have to present it when I vote, for instance. At the moment I may not vote without the card (even if I can verify my identity with my finger), but that is only for *legal* reasons, so that the biometric database is not publicly exposed, outside the police, court and notary system.

With biometrics, even the chips or cards are needless to establish identity and authorize purchases. Therefore, I have to deduct that the mark of the beast is in fact some type of oath of allegiance, something that a good standing christian would find impossible to make. With the oath made, then you "partake of the substance" of trhe Gadiantons and can buy and sell.

The oath has to be something similar to the oath of the Gadianton Thieves, inspired all the way back by Cain and Lucifer.
16 And he causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads

After all of the efforts of progressivism, this is the type of equality that we'll receive. Truly this is the purpose of all of the political correctness that's been forced upon our society, like Spencer spoke of in VoG - to force all to be equally oppressed at the hands of our progressive elites (OBAMA AKBAR!!!). Though Spencer didn't seem to see a physical mark in his visions, it was definitely a physical mark during the times of early christianity in the Roman Empire. And if you understand the scriptures, you know that if something occurred once, it will repeat itself in the future. Does anyone really doubt that our modern day emperor-in-chief would not love to have such control over us today?

We have ALL submitted to the mark of the beast - political correctness.  I just explained this to my daughter the other night.  If I tell any one of my co-workers any one of the tenets of the Proclamation to the World (and they are not sympathetic to conservatism), I can be fired summarily.  I have already been to what I openly call at work, "re-education camp", for saying back in 1998 that marriage is between a man and a woman only.  It was three days of withering dialogue by a black, lesbian woman who tried to force "diversity" down the classe's throat.  Of course, diversity for everyone else except for the conservative Christians..... Oddly, I queried people from my work group and only those who identified as Christian or political conservative were sent.  You got a pass if you were a person of color (unless conservative) or if you were already atheist.   If I had gotten more strident in my opposition to that crap, or refused to go, I would not have had further employment.  In essence, I caved to the beast.  I am openly making up for it by tapping most of this blog out on a work computer on my own time.  Consequences be damned - I decided long ago to heck with them.  I have also since learned that when I open my mouth and speak boldly and openly, there might be consequences - but the person who attempts to put the hurt to me for having backed God's agenda, more often than not, ends up like Laban, and I rather end up like Nephi with maybe a few rope burns and local swelling.....than the one missing their head for having bumped headlong into God's holy agenda.

Those corporations who put the hurt to guys like me (Kodak - click link) - always end up in the dust bins of history.  Countries that do this to their citizens - the same thing.  Thus the reason for the collapse of the USA, Britain, Canada, etc, etc, etc.....  But the proud, the arrogant, the ignorant (of history), never seem to learn.  My oldest boy used to hang out with the Priests while I was the quorum advisor and he was just tall enough to contact the edge of the bishop's desk as he would walk around and around the room during the lesson.  Repeatedly, he would knock his head on the same corner every time he went around.  It became quite comical and we would always get distracted watching him, waiting for the connection - it was almost guaranteed.  The next Sunday, the same thing.  I am sure God has to feel simultaneous anger, pity and laughter as his dumb children constantly fall in the same pothole over and over.

So, we watch our TVs and program ourselves with their agenda, become intoxicated with our electronic devices, our easy shopping (not much work required) - we are hooked on the world's ways and have been led along with the flaxen cord until we are bound strongly and there is no escape.  Why would we leave it - the cars, the easy job where we tap away at a computer and do no real work as God defined it (working by the sweat of our brow to provide food and shelter) - all things that lull us into a sense of ease, luxury, sense of wellness in zion.  In the meantime, we have completely missed the boat that BY warned of.  The system of buying and selling we are inexplicably tied into, instead a system of barter that BY had set up, in order to bypass the money system he knew we would be entrapped in.  One of debt and consumeristic and orgiastic fervor whose very embodiment occurs the day after a nation holy day of giving thanks - we then bust down the doors of stores so we can have our next fix in a made up fake holy day four weeks later where we mock the birth of our Savior by trying to out-do each other in consumeristic fervor and madness.  The insanity of it all is exactly what the god of this world rejoices in.  The Saints have bought into it far worse than any other people on earth - with the highest per-capita fakery being cut, sliced and diced into women (and some men), by a virtual army of plastic surgeons in SLC.  Even eclipsing LA and Vegas - amazing as that may sound. 

So, when things collapse and the new order begins, the slaves already used to the plastic swiping/tapping lifestyle will gladly submit even further when they are told that they will only eat and be a part of the new rising system unless they are chipped.  "It will be for your own good", they will be told - and they will stand in line and lap it up willingly.  Others, refusing to accept it, will go to their end (and a glorious reward) for having done so.  For those who accept it, no gun will be put to their head, nor will their arms need to be strapped down prior to insertion - for this will be a test administered by hellish forces, but observed by a just God.  Those who pass it - will advance.  Those who don't will not.  Very simple, really.  It will involve almost all peoples who have not already extracted themselves.  For those who have chosen to not follow the Prophets nor heed their counsels, this is final separating act.  Effective - but simple.

So, yes.  We have been under rule of the kingdom of the beast for quite some time.  But there will yet be a defining moment reserved near the end where the rubber will meet the road.  That event will be nearly universal and complete for the inhabitants of the earth, except those who reside in cities of light and places of refuge.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a smartphone. I have the old flip one so I can make a call and get a call. I don't FaceBook, tweet, etc. I hardly watch t.v. at all, weather, Glenn Beck, cooking show once in awhile. Fox News is a joke. I prefer books,scriptures, music, crochet, cooking. I do shop online for some things. I buy all my clothing from thrift stores. I have purposely not allowed myself to become an electronic zombie.

    I try to do all things simple because that's what those of us who refuse to go along with the mark will have to flee to. Learn pioneer skills of fire, cooking, shelter, water purification, etc. Repent and get right with the Lord.
