Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Joseph Smith said Revelations would be as easy to read as it is displayed.  In other words - it appears complex - but it is VERY clear.

Here is a comment from a reader that initially got me a little hot under the collar (I do not like people that attempt to steer people away from the obvious - I call them shills and dis-info agents).  Or sometimes, just naive if their motives are nothing but pure and simple.. :

    So what if its not "the chip"? The scriptures say a "mark" in the hand or forehead. A chip is hidden under the skin and I don't believe that is what Satan wants. He wants open worship as the following scripture references... Either way I don't think a chip is the same as a mark. Revelation 13 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I do not want to sound too harsh - but what other way today do we buy and sell?  With biometric data/account data stored on a card that most people are still swiping.  Right now, every major retailer has rolled out new machines that you can either swipe or pass a "chipped" card over and then enter a pin.  You swipe the card with your right hand.  ALL THAT HAS TO HAPPEN, IS TO REPLACE THE CHIPPED CARD, WITH THE CHIPPED HAND FOR A "FRAUD-PROOF" SYSTEM.

Was I clear enough?  It is all CRYSTAL CLEAR to me.  If you were not a shill, I apologize for all caps.  I love comments and usually say there is no such thing as a dumb question or comment - but that one appeared to have motives.  If you had motives behind your comment, enjoy your toasty future with the rest of the wicked.  Whatever the case may be - accept nothing of the sort near your right hand (or in your forehead).  Accept your head getting lobbed off if you are not safely with like-minded Saints secreted away from the carnage.  Revelations is also very clear for those who accept this and then waver and deny Christ.  It is a very physical and real thing - no allegories, representations here.  Got it?

Sorry to the rest who get it.  That seems so crystal clear to me that any equivocation is anathema to me.....  On a related note, did you realize that bummer-scare calls out the implantation of an identifying implantable medical device to start in 2016 and if you cannot have it installed in the hand, the forehead is the next viable option.  Folks - you/we are all being played by FREAKS in power who have nothing but a hellish future PLANNED out for you.  If that is not clear, I feel for you.  Most of the people that have been calling themselves Saints are set up for a test - one that will be gut-wrenching. 

Rant off, over and out.


  1. IRAQ,

    Why on earth a Chip? My ID card (portuguese ID card, right now the most advanced system in place in the world) has encoded both my index fingerprints, and also my iris hash numbers). The government knows well who I am, and I only have to present an finger or an eye in order to be recognised, in case I lose my card and need to make a new one. The card also encodes a digital version of my pen signature and, albeit showing only a B&W photo, encodes a full colored photo in the memory. Actually it is more advanced at establishing identity than my passport.

    I do not feel threatened *at the moment* by it (nor comfortable). I have to present it when I vote, for instance. At the moment I may not vote without the card (even if I can verify my identity with my finger), but that is only for *legal* reasons, so that the biometric database is not publicly exposed, outside the police, court and notary system.

    With biometrics, even the chips or cards are needless to establish identity and authorize purchases. Therefore, I have to deduct that the mark of the beast is in fact some type of oath of allegiance, something that a good standing christian would find impossible to make. With the oath made, then you "partake of the substance" of trhe Gadiantons and can buy and sell.

    The oath has to be something similar to the oath of the Gadianton Thieves, inspired all the way back by Cain and Lucifer.

  2. 16 And he causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
    a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads

    After all of the efforts of progressivism, this is the type of equality that we'll receive. Truly this is the purpose of all of the political correctness that's been forced upon our society, like Spencer spoke of in VoG - to force all to be equally oppressed at the hands of our progressive elites (OBAMA AKBAR!!!). Though Spencer didn't seem to see a physical mark in his visions, it was definitely a physical mark during the times of early christianity in the Roman Empire. And if you understand the scriptures, you know that if something occurred once, it will repeat itself in the future. Does anyone really doubt that our modern day emperor-in-chief would not love to have such control over us today?

  3. In Spencer's book, doesn't it refer to the mark as a spiritual mark not a physical mark?
