Monday, January 12, 2015


This is part of what ETB was talking about, and of course, I will have to give honorable mention to the Mp who called this series of events (starting with the invasion of Ukraine after the Sochi Olympics) which culminates in a surprise nuclear attack by Russia.  Julie mentioned this a few nights ago in the conference and Spencer mentioned that the nuke used on Hill AFB in Ogden, Utah will be one that was previously planted there (and not one that was brought in on a missile, etc).

Here is the info that I have read years ago - and seems very timely in light of recent world events:

KGB Defector: “West Will Be Deceived and Destroyed”

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Anatoliy Golitsyn was a KGB Major who worked in the Strategic Planning Department of the KGB.
While working at the KGB’s Strategic Planning Department, Golitsyn as made privy to some important and crucial strategic information.
In 1961, while assigned to the Soviet embassy in Finland as vice counsel and attaché, he defected to the CIA.
After being flown to the United States via Stockholm, he was personally interviewed by CIA Counter-Intelligence Director James Jesus Angleton.
Golitsyn proceeded to provide amazingly accurate information about highly placed Soviet agents in the West, including Kim Philby, Donald Duart Maclean, Guy Burgess, John Vassall, Aleksandr Kopatzky and others.
It was because of Golitsyn that Kim Philby was finally confirmed as a highly placed Soviet mole.
CIA Counter-Intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton believed Golitsyn, unlike the successive waves of Soviet disinformation agents which followed closely behind Golytsin to discredit everything Golitsyn had to say.
Military writer, the British General John Hackett identified Golitsyn as “the most valuable defector ever to reach the West.”
What did Golytsin have to say?
Simply this:
Already by 1961, the Soviet Union was planning a long-term deception operation, a ‘maskirova’ to delude the West into thinking it no longer had anything to fear from Communism.
In fact, this ‘maskirova’ would involve a ‘collapse’ of the Communist world, and a seeming conversion to democracy, after which relations would be normalized.
During this period, the Soviet Union would collapse giving the appearance that the West no longer had anything to fear.
After a cooling down period of a few decades, during which the West would disarm and become complacent, a surprise attack would be launched, in which he West would be suddenly and catastrophically overcome.
The attack would come at a time in which the West would have opened its doors to and have been highly infiltrated by KGB assets which would sabotage the West internally even as it was attacked externally. Most of these assets being highly placed.
The triumph of Communism would follow shortly thereafter.
CIA Counter-Intelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton believed Golytsin, and he was alarmed, not only by what Golytsin had to say, but by the hostility with which this reliable defector’s information was received by the West’s intelligence community.
Jesus James Angleton sensed at this moment, just how infiltrated the West’s intelligence community had become.
It must have been a contributing factor to his alarmed behavior. He pushed Golitsyn’s information as legitimate, but was soon forced out of the CIA and labeled as paranoid.
Angleton was soon afterwards forcefully retired from the CIA.
Golitsyn was forgotten by most, but remembered by a few, who have held his information close to heart:
The plan to destroy the West by Communism following a period of deception in which Communism pretended either to be neutralized or not to exist at all.
Golitsyn’s two books: New Lies for Old (1984) and The Perestroika Deception (1995) explain the ‘maskirova’ process in detail.
Most of what he has predicted in these books have come true.
At the present the West stands ready to fall before a surprise attack facilitated by a decades-long ‘maskirova’ campaign.


  1. could you post notes from JKR Seattle event. thx

  2. I have had three vivid dreams in the past year concerning Russia.

    1. Looking for an inlet off the coast of Alaska to launch an EMP.

    2. Looking down on one of our fighter jets that was along the coast of Alaska flying. It was obliterated out of the sky.

    3. Very modern looking out of a sci-fi movie, two sand colored helicopters with a big black one in between them. I about messed my pants in my dream looking at them. Me/family getting warning shots at our feet when trying to run away. Herded back into a building. Hearing a voice say the people were not of consequence to help because we are at war.
