Friday, September 20, 2013


Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I support plural marriage (the doctrine - not the practice at this current time).  My wife has struggled with it (as I think most women would naturally) in the 20+ years of marriage.  In the last several years, she has come to peace with most, if not all of the doctrines as she understands them.  Here is why.

Number one; the woman is allowed to choose who she wants to be sealed to in the eternities.  If a husband is a louse, the woman can ditch him and hitch her wagon to another "more powerful" man.  She can trade up, so to speak if the man she is sealed to cannot take her the distance.  It works both ways.  God, on an eternal scale, will not let one person "drag another down" if the two are horribly unequally yoked.  I get the feeling that things will be much more fluid "up there" than they are down here.  It would be perform, or get left in the dust.  That goes both ways.  If one person is of such low quality that they leave the other at the drop of the hat, they have just proven their character and will not measure up.  In a consecrated, Christ-centered model, the other partner's best interests will always be at the forefront of a Celestial being's every doing.

The concept of "trading up" was pretty apparent in the late 1800's when there were so many women petitioning to be sealed to Joseph Smith that it became a circus and the practice was discontinued.  Women hold the power.  An earthly divorce may be difficult, but in a heavenly court, it may not be quite so difficult to do with a perfect judge and undeniable testimony for or against that action.

My wife's biological g-ma was married three times while she was alive.  My wife just received a final bit of information she needed to have her sealed to one of her previous husbands (who was not a member of the Church while he was living).   My wife's g-ma gets to choose between the three according to this thinking.  She can only be sealed to one while living, but can make the choice amongst those (or even others based on my previous argument) once she has crossed over to the other side.

Where it seems like things are a little lop-sided when looking at it from an earthly perspective, I am absolutely sure things will be just fine once we cross over to the other side.   God always gives us just exactly what will be in our eternal best interest!


  1. I am a romantic I believe that if we are faithful, did good, endured to the end we have a shot at eternal life. I would never trade my husband for Joseph Smith , i love him too much. I believe God hood would take eons and eons for us to be like Heavenly Father- if ever I am advancing more in the next life I would help him out no matter what, faithfully wait for him, I take my covenants seriously- Evertything that is sealed in here with the priesthood is sealed in heaven. It seems selfish to leave your husband for something 'better' there would always be somebody that is 'better' if you truly love a person- sticking by him and helping him and lifting him up is love. God does the same thing to us he loves us so he sticks by us and help us achieve eternal life.

  2. LOL - "Number one; the woman is allowed to choose who she wants to be sealed to in the eternities."

    1. As if the man has no say. Are you saying that men have free agency on earth and don't have any say who they are sealed to in heaven.

    2. Divorce goes AGAINST THE FAMILY UNIT. Your telling me there will be divorce in heaven?

    Your preaching false doctrine!

  3. NO DIVORCE IN HEAVEN..... We,by our actions, will divorce ourselves from our spouses who are living better lives. If you are a telestial type and your wife is a celestial type, you simply will be separated by your actions in this life. Think about it. There will be many couples who are unequally yoked in this life and who will not make it there together..... Picture the ball and chain..... God will not allow one spouse to remain single forever because the other squandered their time on earth. ALL things will be made right!

  4. C'mon Kids think outside the box a little. When Joseph answered that he taught the people correct principles and let them govern them selves.It was not the first time that your loving father offered a celestial model. He exposed it earlier through the founding fathers, it's mentioned in the B of M and it will prevail in the decisions your discussing here. By the time that all parties involved reach the level of perfection required to move on to their next level their mind and will will be as their fathers. So, governing themselves they will work it out in the most effective manner in order to glorify their father. He will rubber stamp the decisions and it's off the work and learning again.
