Friday, September 20, 2013


This was from a previous post - and I thought it was worth re-posting:

D&C 88:74&85D&C 103:9-10 (Temple attendance is required)D&C 76 (whole armor of god… what is the armor?)Isaiah 57D&C 23-24 (Temple Districts) ,31 (Are those that attend the temple),32 1 Nephi 14:21 (what is the dominions being talked about – Temples)
Finally, there are 7 preparatory steps in the Temple. Most members have only done the first six steps. So what is the final step and how do you complete it? You cannot unless the Lord calls you. It is your calling and election made sure, you’re washing and anointing by the Lord himself. You are called by the Prophet when you are ready for this step.
One person asked if you can share that you have had this final step and the answer is no. You cannot even share this with your family members. You are instructed not to reveal what happened – when is happens.
I am sorry. I cannot even begin to share all that I learned. But I hope this encourages members of the board to want to study even harder. To prepare for the major changes which are coming.
Do not fear the wickedness. Soon the church will be the only light. If you have a light it a lit room, that light may not stand out. If you turn off all the lights, that light will shine for all to see. Soon the church will be the light against the dark. Members will come in droves to the church because they will see that everything else is wicked and the only thing righteous left standing in the world is the church.
The church right now is instructing against wickedness, but then the world rejects the words of the prophet. We have seen it with gambling, porn and the family initiative (BTW, Reid is not only a member, but a Stake President – Amazing that he is still a member).

1 comment:

  1. Interesting analysis, in the light of Pope Francis warming up to the gay community...I could see that the Gadiantons are taking control of many religious organizations now these days, as filling the pews (and the money received from the collection plates from said pews) becomes more important than preaching sound doctrine.

    Soon the Prophets and Apostles (and other faithful people who follow them) will be the only ones preaching sound doctrine while those that are there for the money and not for the doctrine, will turn about on every wind of doctrine.

    I see it now a lot even in ldsff. It should be named ffalds (free for all against the LDS Church)...
