Monday, December 5, 2011


Sounds like this guy is LDS and wanted to have audience to share his visions/dreams of the future. He wrote this piece on Feb 25th, 2011. Sounds like he was onto something with the Japan EQ and the Arab Spring events - which is the start of WWIII (we are just in super slo-mo as this thing gets rolling - this isn't starting with a blitzkrieg like the last one, that is until Israel/US and Iran tangle....).

I thought his timing on the 7th seal being opened on Sept 22nd, 2011 was interesting considering a lion-share of traffic to this site (even today after a no-show on the 7th seal) is based on David Cohen's piece - which totally baffles me. I still think the date was correct - just no supernova and no elenin as I had expected.... Anyway, something to chew on, for sure. Either someone is totally messin' with me, or this is just too coincidental, because I sure didn't hear the trumpet on Sept 22nd of 2011.... Did I forget to take my earplugs out and slept right thru it??

Maybe I missed something on the old logic path with it all - but this is still good fodder for the Wood Zone:

02-25-2011, 07:37 PM

Join Date: Feb 2011
26 posts, read 9,731 times
Reputation: 34
Red face Dreams and Visions of UpComing End-time Events, LDS viewpoint
Over the past several years I have had several dreams and visions about up-coming events. Several other people have had similar experiences. I will share a few of mine, and then perhaps a few of you will share yours with me.
It seems that 2011 is the turning point for events to get worse. I decided to that it was time to say something. There are many events that I have learned about.
1. Middle of March 2011. There is a possibility that a 7.9+ earthquake will hit a densely populated area in a third-world country. Most of the buildings will collapse, many people will die, many will be homeless. It seems there will be an increase in world chaos and natural disasters.
2. During the next six months (Mar to Sept 2011) World War III will escalate.
3. Sometime in June 2011. The LDS people that are prepared will be 'called-out' to go to prepared camps.
4. The meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman will happen sometime in the next six months (Mar - Sept 2011).
5. After the meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman the 144,000 will begin gathering the Lord's children from various locations world-wide, and they will be taken to places of refuge, most of which have an Enoch Colony already established there.
6. It seems that Sept. 22, 2011 is the opening of the seventh seal. I saw the first archangel blowing the first trumpet.
7. The events described in Revelations after the opening of the seventh seal will follow shortly.
8. Sometime in the next year the west coast of California will be destroyed. Not sure how, or exact date, but saw it happening.
9. Armageddon will begin in 2012.
10. The half hour of silence spoken of in Revelations will begin at the end of Armageddon.

These are not Church doctrine or documented events. These are what I have personally seen or discovered, and I consider them to be sacred. But I cannot say 100% that they will happen. For your own confirmation, pray about it.

Read more:


  1. My mom, my chiropractor, and I have been talking a lot about these kinds of things, and just last night my mom was telling me of someone who's been "collecting" if you will, dreams and visions of this time.
    On a side topic, this was in my local news, I don't know if it was in yours. It reminds me of something you have that Eliza R Snow said, and I can't help but wonder if they're connected...
    What do you think?

  2. I am just waiting for an announcement to come that they have initiated contact with other life on other planets. Once we find a planet that is a candidate for life, we can scan it for emissions that prove it. I think we will find a flurry of these things as the near future swings into view. I love reading dreams and visions - I look for similarities to my own - patterns if you will. As we share these things amongst ourselves it helps to make sense of our own experiences. This is why I am so open.

  3. I know that this is an old post and the timeline has been shown to be off, but the first thing he mentioned, about a third world earthquake has now taken place. His description is pretty much spot on in describing the earthquake in Nepal that took place this past Spring.
