Sunday, July 21, 2024


Wow - you could not have foretold it better than the author of that book calling out the meaning of the long and short feathers.

Amazing!  I feel that Trump will win.  But it will be a tough row to hoe after that.  Lots of chaos and collapse of the economy which will lead to CW2.0

Many who have nay-sayed over the years will be choking down some crow.  I recommend beak first... 


  1. Both Trump and Biden will be taken out, allowing for Kamala to step forward. Later on, Obama will be after Kamala, but not through the normal constitutional path, but as a dictator.

  2. My guess for the 4 small feathers is Trump's run was stoped by voter fraud running for a second term. Biden was removed by the DNC Deep State both have been truncated in their runs. Who knows what the rest will be. Looks like something is going to happen in the next presidential term. The DS are really pushing hard for a US take down. No idea what that looks like. Koyle says after the death or removal of the President, a replacement will not be found. Meaning the people are divided and neither will accept either ones replacement. Which leaves an opening for China and Russia to move in for a take over.
    To be clear, Russia still has hegemonic designs with China to take over the US and their parts of the world. The US is in the way of their designs and must be contained. Russia also needs time to rebuild it's military, equipment and munitions, giving us a little breathing room. Russia does not act emotionally they with China are both calculating the means and ways to our take down. US has given them all kinds of reasons to attack us without warning when the time is right.
    The Deep State through their financial centers have, for most of a century have created enemies to the lands of Liberty. Ask your self, where did did the poor Bolsheviks get their weapons and ammunition to wage a war with the wealthy. The short war between Mao and Chiang Kai-shek was caused by the US who would not provide weapons and munitions to fight Mao. In the Korean war President Truman ordered General MaCarther to pull back after he pushed had the N Koreans into China eventually creating the most viscous communist country in the world. The list can go on with the dark side of the CIA funding ISIS, Al-Qaeda and others. Just as yourself, how do these impoverished fanatics get their money and training.
