Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 They want him out of the way.  Why, you ask?  Because he has said that he will stop the war in Ukraine in a single day if he is elected President again.  I know how he will do it; he will simply throw Ukraine and other "buffer states" out of NATO and give Russia some breathing room.

They set him up at that rally.  I would fire all of those responsible for security and buy my own.  So disgusting what was allowed to happen.  The deep state wants war to cover up their crimes and to have the people controlled and distracted.  There is VERY little opposition left to their plans to install the A/C.  Having Trump in there would just ball those plans up - and they will not have any of it.  We need to concertedly wake up (number one) and then fight against them, realizing that they are just using our military and earthly power as pawns.  They have since WWII and well before.

That utter human excrement needs to be taken and flushed.  I would give my life for it in a hearbeat.  Would not hesitate for one second.  My quality of life as it stands sucks to high heaven - so bring it.  We need more people disconnected from their "things" who would be willing to do the hard things.

1 comment:

  1. Russia as the old Soviet Union moved Russians into the baltic countries with the intent of making them part of Russia. The ostracised Russian people in these countries after the Soviet Union was disbanded, has become the excuse for Russia to expand into these territories.
    This should not be our concern it has lead to the slaughter of so many lives in Russia and Ukraine. It destroys so many family units, many children have disappeared into into sex slavery as is happening on the US southern boarder. A good share of this is managed through the dark side of ours and European countries. Their is no oversight permitted by our Demo/RINO government because they are a part of the Deep State.
    When I say Deep State, that can mean those who are compromised in some way all the way to being fully engaged with the purposes of the Globalist Empire to tear down the US and rebuild back toward a One world Government to engage in war with Russia and China.

    No one intends MAD, No use in turning the planet back into the dark ages.
    Russia and China recognize the DS are working to create chaos in western countries and plan on striking when we are weakest and taking down our military and move in to occupy. Western countries will be compelled to join in a Globalist government to fight Russia and China.
