Thursday, July 25, 2024


 We, as a group of followers of Jesus Christ, have become worse and worse at this (disconnecting from worldliness; or our things) at a time when we are approaching the Second Coming and a time when all things will be had in common.  So the delta of reality vs what it should be is actually increasing as opposed to closing up.  This is ominous because it means the reality when things hit will be substantially more than it has to be.  A truly sad state of affairs.  The prophecies indicated that a "strong spirit of extravagance and speculation" develops among the Saints, and that "financial bondage comes next".

I have a MIL that is now in Stage 4 cancer.  Literally down to weeks to live.  I am not knocking frugality and the principle of being a good steward over what we are given in this life, but she has accumulated substantial wealth in the form of real estate purchases.  But now, with just weeks to live, it is all just meaningless; a distraction to the true purpose of life.   I suppose she was just banking against the day she might have to go into long-term care and the expense of that.  This form of thinking is not bad, so long as we do not forget others and show kindness and generosity, etc there.  So far as I know, there is no yardstick to measure us against our accumulation of wealth, but the standard is clear that we do have an obligration to help the poor and be as generous as we can, as moved upon by the Holy Spirit.

Those who make it into the next phase of thinking (survive the plagues, etc) will have a Consecrated mindset.  There simply will be more thinking for the next guy than there is for ourselves.  This is what makes a successful marriage.  It is what makes 1,000 years of peace possible.  I want it.  I desire it with all my being.  I want to live for it, and if I cannot find it here, I am fine being on the other side with like-minded individuals.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 This has been a humdinger of a year to get projects done.  First the spring was ridiculously wet.  Then summer came with a vengeance with non-stop 90-100F temps with no easing up in sight.  This was a prophecy of Bishop Koyle.  That it would be part of the perfect storm as the financial crash and political intrigue came into play.

Are we finally there?

I guess we will find out in harvest time when the reports come out on the quality of the wheat.  Bishop Koyle said it would look normal on the outside - but the insides would be less than animal feed quality.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 I have had a lot of disparaging comments on my holding onto Visions of Glory.  It really has turned into an objet du pariah.  I am sure the comment by the Cardston Temple Presidency on me being a polygamist was somehow tied into my belief in the majority (97%) of the narrative of VoG.,

Not just on this blog - but on Social Media.  There are many who will have ZERO to do with it.  I think the whole Chad Daybell mess precipitated much of this when Lori Vallow had a copy sitting on the arm of her chaise lounger in Hawaii in the arrest photos.

Until something changes (the prophecies fail), I will stand behind a sure thing.  The source is from God.  How do I know?  Because the same spirit burned within my bosom that was present the night in 1976 when I had just completed my side of the Covenant with Father at the Baptismal font.  I still have an indelible memory of that.  When the Spirit ratifies, it is a rare thing that one does not remember.  This includes the Baptism by Fire, the Endowment of Power, the ratification of the Holy Spirit of Promise (which I have not yet received - we are definitely not there in our marriage) and so much else on the Covenant Path.  I expect that it will accompany the Second Comforter when and if that happens in the flesh on this fallen orb.

So, I am waiting patiently, just as with Esdras Eagle and others that the Spirit whispers on - for the same completion of the events in Visions of Glory.  I know it will happen, as indicated.

IF you tear on it, you had better check yourselves because if your Spirit contradicts the whisperings of mine, I can tell you that mine, has never been wrong.  I have a wayward son who still tries to ping me on the whole Elenin thing back in 2011.  There was an amazing coincidence between the incidence of Elenin and major global EQ patterns.  After several years of correlation, it was obvious there was something to the way this thing was interplaying with our gravitational fields and causing 7.0+ EQs.  There was supposed to be a final event in Sept 2011.  I was concerned enough that I suggested getting the family off the west coast and to Montana.  The only thing I was missing (and I said it repeatedly to those around me and to my family) was that I did NOT have a confirmation from the Spirit on that event.  Just a logical line of reasoning in my head.  And it did NOT happen as I expected.  But, even though I did state there was NO confirmation, but I still get hammered on it.  Typical lefty logic...

The confirmation of the Spirit is 100% dead reckoning.  Most else is just an educated guess, to one degree or another of success.

So, it will be interesting to see how Holland, Oaks and others fare in the events that will come to pass shortly.  For now, we have time and past precedent on our side!

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Wow - you could not have foretold it better than the author of that book calling out the meaning of the long and short feathers.

Amazing!  I feel that Trump will win.  But it will be a tough row to hoe after that.  Lots of chaos and collapse of the economy which will lead to CW2.0

Many who have nay-sayed over the years will be choking down some crow.  I recommend beak first... 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 They want him out of the way.  Why, you ask?  Because he has said that he will stop the war in Ukraine in a single day if he is elected President again.  I know how he will do it; he will simply throw Ukraine and other "buffer states" out of NATO and give Russia some breathing room.

They set him up at that rally.  I would fire all of those responsible for security and buy my own.  So disgusting what was allowed to happen.  The deep state wants war to cover up their crimes and to have the people controlled and distracted.  There is VERY little opposition left to their plans to install the A/C.  Having Trump in there would just ball those plans up - and they will not have any of it.  We need to concertedly wake up (number one) and then fight against them, realizing that they are just using our military and earthly power as pawns.  They have since WWII and well before.

That utter human excrement needs to be taken and flushed.  I would give my life for it in a hearbeat.  Would not hesitate for one second.  My quality of life as it stands sucks to high heaven - so bring it.  We need more people disconnected from their "things" who would be willing to do the hard things.