Thursday, February 5, 2015


I developed a twitch reading this.  I think I am going to explode, if this is true.  If I hear one more preposterous thing.......

If true, there will be HELL to pay.  Sometimes, the only thing that keeps me sane is a firm grasp of the reality that there WILL be accountability on the other side for the sickos who purvey hellish stuff on this side of the veil in the day of vile temporary power.

I have to wonder if it is the knowledge of this kind of stuff that will cause (good) men's hearts to fail them....:


  1. Pro vaxers fight the aborted baby debate.... by saying it is only 2 aborted babies... that have been dead for 30+ years (labs have been artificially reproducing the tissue since then)..... it baffles my mind. #1 yes... some vaccines do in fact contain aborted baby material...#2 "just 2 dead babies", is 2 too many. They argue that since there is not a renewing hoard of aborted babies bejng used.... that the first two shouldn't matter to anyone, they have been dead for so long.
    Joseph smith was sooooo against medical doctors... he would not allow many/any in communities he established. One of the reasons I Love studying the work of dr john r christopher (original work (pre 1980 is great)... not greedily changed publications by his children after his death).... dr christopher was a Mormon, master herbalist, and licensed natural doc.....that followed many of the natural medicine that Joseph smith supported! If you do a google search for "dr john r christopher" with the "" you can find some pretty incredible experiences.... incuding helping the elderly regrow new sets of teeth... healing crumbled vertabre... healing broken bones in days, not weeks.... the list goes on and on!.... with herbs and the word of wisdom (he advocated lots of raw fruits, veggies, nuts.... meat used sparsely.... and low temp cooked grains, potatoes, ect)...
    He believed that disease is necessary, when we live with an unclean diet. All diseases are garbage men... trying to clean what we have refused to clean... and that they are not the enemy. He taught that we should help the disease to clean house quickly, and effectivly... with several different therapys. (Cold sheet therapy.... teas... garlic feet.... and fasting with fresh juices, among others)

  2. Your comments and Shelley W's are more scary than any news on the vaccines have put out. This is a very touchy subject - the plaques to take over the earth may just be the old small pox, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio and others - that people have ceased to get vaccinated against. Each has their agency to choose - but be careful what you wish for.

  3. Thank you Anonymous 2:29. For those that call medical progression quackary....will be the ones who end up running to the medical clinics crying to save their children that they so sadly denied the blessings of godly inspired advancements that protect man. When we read of the sounds of wailing and lamenting in the last days, I believe will be the parents of children who have died because they have come in contact with these diseases that have once again been allowed to infiltrate our communities because of selfish/misled choices. Also...I would like to have proof provided of where it states Joseph Smith was against medical doctors...last I read, it was the blessing of a medical surgeon that saved his leg from amputation.

  4. Though no recent statements have been made by Church officials, as far back as 1978, the First Presidency of the Church has expressed "deep concern" that parents were not getting their children properly vaccinated. In their statement, they said:

    "We urge members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to protect their own children through immunization. Then they may wish to join other public-spirited citizens in efforts to eradicate ignorance and apathy that have caused the disturbingly low levels of childhood immunization.

    “Failure to act could subject untold thousands to preventable lifelong physical or mental impairment, including paralysis, blindness, deafness, heart damage and mental retardation.

    “Immunization campaigns in the United States and other nations, if successful, will end much needless suffering and erase the potential threat of epidemics. Such efforts are deserving of our full support.”

    Seven years later, in 1985, the Church published a reminder to encourage members to get their children vaccinated. Its words echo concerns voiced in today's vaccine debates:

    In the year 2000, The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women again encouraged members to immunize: "We can protect ourselves and our families from some diseases by getting immunizations. For some diseases we need only one immunization, but for other diseases we may need several immunizations at certain time intervals."

    More recently, the Church has continued to work towards a worldwide goal to eliminate preventable diseases, donating approximately $1.5 million every year for immunization supplies such as vaccines and syringes.

    The Church has shared more interesting statistics on its work with vaccinations between 2003 and 2012:
    ◾Approximately 60,000 Church volunteers donated time to vaccination programs
    ◾These volunteers donated a combined 766,000 service hours, including support for localized health systems that administer measles vaccines
    ◾Their efforts reached more than 100 million children and youth
    ◾The work took place in 35 countries on 6 continents
