Thursday, February 5, 2015


I would not be surprise if Rush were part of this.  Most of these types who appear to be on your side are just part of the smoke and mirrors.  Part of division and the confusion meant to keep people distracted and confused.  I picked this up off of FB:

I have seen the 3rd world war in specific detail how it would start. Phone lines and sources of communication were shut off. Television was the only source they could get back up and running, specifically Rush Limbaugh and others were on the news, they were telling everyone not to panic and that on the marrow everything would be back to normal, they continued this rhetoric Dailey and they down played everything, they were reporting the most repugnant news of drama and things of no importance to subdue the people and to keep them from panicking. a train would come into each city as tanks and armored vehicles approached each side of the city, the train was filled with Russian and Chinese military, in my vision it was specifically of the Chinese culture. They started sweeping through the town house to house pushing everyone into a specific location. 4 men would enter each house sweeping through the city, 3 of them were gunman and 1 man had a whistle. Gunfire would not cause any attention but if the whistle blower blew it meant their was resistance and they would be immediately assisted until ever person in the house was murdered. I hid And was able to take the whistle blower out by gun fire first, then the following three and no attention was brought to our home, I put on the uniform of the dead and went and started marching in the street with them to see what their plan was, their was a tall building that looked like a transfer station for temporary landfill purposes that was erected on the edge of town, the guards drove the people into lines forcing them into the building. No man knew why they were going into the building but the like was a mile long. On the other side you could see busses taking people to the train and if you got out of line or panicked you were instantly killed, I made my way into the building where gun fire and commotion was uncontrollably climaxing. This is the place where Guillotines were set up and you were asked to deny Christ the blood flowed through the sewer systems and the bodies of the dead were hauled out by trucks, those that denied quickly were out on the bus but those who had the littlest bit of hesitancy were quickly put to death, I watched the river of blood flow as faithful and God fearing people were beheaded. Then I went to assemble my self with the God of Heaven on a mountain and my vision stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. It answered some questions I had regarding end time events and filled in holes. Now my perception is more complete. Not whole but more complete.
