Thursday, February 26, 2015


I just love to laugh at and mock critics of the Book of Mormon.  Their ridiculous arguments are constantly being knocked down by facts.  They then produce other arguments against it's validity and then those are knocked down.

One of the favorites I still remember the critics throwing out there was snow that was brought up in the Book of Mormon by Nephi.  They argued ignorantly that Nephi would never have seen it being at the latitude that he was at in Jerusalem.  They betrayed their own ignorance or at least convicted the sayings of Isaiah (who talked about sin and how it could make us to be crimson or white as snow, depending on our state of repentance).

Well, I have seen so many references to snow since my missionary days that I just laugh at the weak attempts to defame.  Some of these characters are as weak as those in Jesus' day who attempted to throw Him under the bus.  Pathetic, really.

Here is what got me spun up:

I bet an ice-ball to the face could get one of them to break their vows of silence.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh those silly frolicking monk-eys, God bless them. Anyone with an eye for talent should offer them a record deal.

    All creatures of the Dairy Queen, lift up your arms, legs, branches, fins, paws, whatever ya got and with us fling.........Happy Snow balls.......Happy Snow Balls......Happy Sno....ho.....ballllllllllsssss.....

    Ye snow flakes that sail along, come join us in our happy song....Build a Snow fort......Build a Snow fort......Build a snowww....ohhhh.....forrrrrt....
