Thursday, February 26, 2015


As it will be.  People do not comprehend what they are seeing.  This is as it will go down:

I live on the east coast in the U.S.A. and apparently there was a war with the U.S.A. against another country. The news was on and they were talking about how the U.S. was preparing to bomb and expressing high concern that we'd be bombed. Some time had past and me and my family were sitting around and someone says "we just nuked ______" I really don't remember who it was. I turned on the television and tried to call someone but the phone wasn't sending calls - much like the time there was an earthquake and I tried to use the phone. They shut off everyones phone for emergency reasons (irl) - My phone wouldn't even connect to wifi and neither would my computers.

Eventually they were reporting bombings on U.S. soil. When the bombs started getting closer to us we had to relocate quickly to a shelter type place with a below ground floor. I think it was a school. We were disconnected from any news of what was going on and it was terrifying. Every second that passed I felt like I was about to die from an explosion. Massive plane formations flew overhead at one point and it was completely out of this world. I remember seeing what I thought to be nuclear weapons flying over head because they were tiny but I know thats not how it is in real life.

I woke up feeling like I had truly stepped into another time and experienced that. I feel like its happened .

You'd expect a dream like that after a night of binge-research and youtubing but I haven't had time to keep up with it all in a few months.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I take these things very seriously. Keep preparing and stand in holy places! THANKS FOR POSTING IRAQ!
