Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I feel that Bishop Koyle was 100% spot on and had the gift of prophecy in spades.  Many who did not have it to the same degree felt threatened by it.  There is something that one can do if one feels threatened by something - and that is get off ur butt and work hard and rise to the occasion.

Here is something he said about the Russians (from this source):
War would be brought to our coast line, but we would not be invaded at this time. However, a Russian invasion of the U.S. and Canada would come later.
The first incursion will be on the East Coast in the 3 month war - where most likely our financial and military nerve centers will get hit to bring NATO to her knees, financially and militarily.  The next one will be during the 13 month war after the EQ in Utah where other nations will come in to divide up the lands of the USA and the Elders will rise up to save the Constitution, etc, etc.

A second witness to this is from Duane S. Crowther, "Key to Prophecy".  This is where I first got the notion of these last two wars, their notion and how they might go down.  I began to realize that we would tangle with Russia and began preaching that mantra (the Russians are going to nuke us) after .

The Mp added his witness (and even provided some timeline and framework to give an idea of how soon).

When reading Koyle's work - or any other prophecy, you have to be a bearer of the gift of the interpretation of prophecy.  No one can read Isaiah without the gift of discernment, knowledge and the interpretation of prophecy.  I have been reading from the books of Mark and John in the NT and it is amazing how much Christ mentioned himself as the fulfillment of so many prophecies in scripture that so many wicked men of his day somehow missed.  If read directly and not put in context, much could be missed.  In order to magnify these gifts, one has to be stripped of all pride and be clean from the blood and sins of the world around us.  It is a difficult thing to do - but do-able it is.

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