Thursday, December 26, 2024


 Well, this is an unusual Christmas story.  But, this is more of a journal entry than anything and it does illustrate just how twisted our US gubmint is with the sicko people they trap and twist into doing the dirty work of the Gadiantons in controlling the world, including the people who we, the citizens of this once-great nation, have elected like Trump, and the military machine behind the president of the USA.

Trump is pretty much anti-war.  This flies in the face of the gadianton masters who have relied on puppet presidents for decades (and shot or attempted to shoot those who have resisted their attempts to control them).  He also does not take $#!+ from anyone.  He is a man's man who draws a line in the sand where his values end and he does not compromise.  I think of Nephi and Moroni-esque qualities.  Ones I would like to emulate in defense of the truth as I strive to keep the covenants I made as outlined in the Washings and Anointings for males in the temples.  People and leaders from around the world know this quality exists in Trump.  I hope and pray he can live long enought to depose and to EXECUTE the likes of Soros, Fauci and so many other second-tier players that have created hell on earth for those who attempt to resist tyranny.   

I doubt there is any chance he can go after the actual controllers that are at the very top.  They have their own elite protection corps and can finance a world army if they wanted to.  Money is not an object for them.  They have their fingers in the world treasury that the gadiantons have sought to control down through the millennia.  Players in DC, London, Brussels, Rome, Geneva and other bastions of control and world power (possibly in Russia/China and Hong Kong, etc).  However, if those below them are convinced it is not worth it to do their bidding, then they would lose power.  This refusal to "serve" includes those in the military who stand up and refuse unlawful orders, including attacking those on foreign soil who are simply defending their lives, their wives, their homes, their lands and their right to self determination (even if we in the USA claim to disagree with a dogma or belief - the Vietnam war over a supposed incursion of communists or some religion we disagree with).

Anyway, a few years ago I ran into an "operator" in Cardston who made literally millions overseas doing the bidding of Blackwater and other mercenary orgs.  When I met him in Cardston, he had lost everything including his ill-gotten gains, his wife and children and he had literally gone mad.  Stark raving mad.  I am sure the haunting visions of those he had "extinguished" over in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to make ridiculous money and whom he admitted he had pillaged and I quote him, when asked about the money, "It's not about the money.  It's all about the treasure!", in an Australian accent that he bears.  In other words, you kill the guy and then the gold chains, the rings, the specialized weapons or knives he may have had on his person that can be gleaned from the body is worth more than the paychecks he would get (tens of thousands a month) to kill for hire.

Just disgusting - and he was a "member" of the Church....  Just sick.  My heck, people.  Deliver pizzas, dig ditches, do what you got to do - but DO NOT work for the hellish military black ops (or any branch of the now corrupt bidders of the gadianton players formerly known as the US military).  You could not get me within a country mile of a recruitment office of the military, no matter how desperate I were to become.  There are still honorable ways to make a living today without having to literally prostitute yourselves.... for that which cankers the soul and that which causeth the unquenchable flames to fill one's mind for the eternities.

The second mercenary I just met is down here in northern Nevada.  This guy is a train wreck.  Sent into traumatic scenarios in the Gulf War and he has a TBI from an explosion and brags about the people he took out and how tough he is in tracking and taking people down.  Well, the downside is that I said something about how someone should never come up behind me when I cannot tell of an approach because I have a healthy startle reflex and something bad could happen if I had a screw driver in my hand, for example.  Well, it triggered some kind of nightmare in him (did he attack someone from behind and extinguish them??) and he absolutely lost his mind (some kind of flashbacks from his time as an "operator") and he literally went nuts on a Saturday.  He did not show up at church on Sunday and then went on a rampage that afternoon.  I am surprised he did not shoot the place up.  When I finally got home and found my phone, it had blown up with 25 messages as part of an exchange with my wife, etc.  This guy has had 20+ different jobs since he got back from the Gulf (in as many years) and simply cannot maintain employment or friends.  In his attempt to create a defensible perimeter around his compound (he lives like a hermit in a shack), he cut off my daughter's access to her piece of land so she could not use the right of way that goes past her 2 acre lot.  He was bragging about shooting out the lights of someone who attempted to use the right of way in front of his acreage (this right of way includes a power line easement that feeds a regional substation - and for this local Nevada town).  So, LEOs in the area have had run-in after run in with this guy and instead of it escalating (by forcing him to remove the gates blocking the easements, etc), they have decided to just leave him alone.  He will be gone from old age in 20 years.  He was gritching that when there was a grass fire with winds that blew it into his place and his first home caught on fire, the LEOs turned the local fire dept down the wrong road out to his place and delayed him getting help putting it out before it burned to the ground.  Well, I wonder why they might have done that....  Quite frankly, I probably would have done the same.  Just let nature take it's course and burn the guy out and eliminate the threat he is to himself and his neighbors, etc.  Get him into a home where he can be properly medicated and his behavior can be monitored, etc

No offense to him, but he is a danger to those around him.  I have been keeping my wife apprised of the situation and she ordered him to stay away from me and that we should only meet in a public place because of his volatile behavior and because of his background and passive aggressive nature of sharing a story with me and flashing his weapons to me (showing me that he can basically do what he wants because he has superior weapons and training).  I have zero weapons and zero training.  Nor do I ever want that kind of crap.  My goal is to go to my grave with zero violence in my life - not even a fist fight.  If there is any violence in my life, it is because I ask the Lord to "judge between me and them" and let their folly be made manifest according to the Law of the Harvest.  In other words, if they physically threaten me, that they will receive blow back according to the nature of the threat they have uttered against me.  Several people have died because I have asked the Lord to intervene on my behalf where my employment or safety was in question (and my life was threatened at Boeing when I stood up to the cabal over a badly and dangerously damaged 777 on the Everett production line.  I simply rely on Him for my protection - and He has ALWAYS come through.  I have documented those stories previously in this blog.

For example, if someone like Truedope in Canada or Sleepy Joe in the USA threaten to take away my livelihood due to my not taking a poison, I hope they lose their jobs and that they are poisoned or die by similar manner that they threatened to directly kill or indirectly kill me via the clot schott.  I will take that line of reasoning one step further.  If the head of the LDS church has signaled that the schitt-schott is not poisonous and is safe and effective and that we can receive NO ecclesiastical endorsements to give us an out with our employers (because the Church took a stance against those who clearly were not comfortable with the coercive shit they were attempting to push on us, and specifically directed the Bishops to NOT give out endorsements for our religious exemptions), then those officials need to experience a possible threat to their jobs and death by poison or a turbo cancer would be a fitting way to end their earthly sojourn.  We do not need the self-serving administrators who fear man or the devil - or the gadiantons who are taking direct orders from ole scratch himself.  We need men of valor who stand fearlessly in defense of truth, even if it means their deaths or a threat to their stewardships (the Church).  Did not God open a way through the sea so the Children of Israel could escape their oppressors?  Did not God utterly wipe out the pursuing Egyptian forces?  Yes, He did.  Why are we any different when they come after us for our sacred beliefs, including in 1890?  I submit to you that we "were" a blessed people and one approved of God.  We "used" to have regular visits (including in my family) in times of need, by the 3 Nephites.  Why do we not experience these manifestations regularly today?  Because we have sold out, because we are weak.  Because we no longer qualify for them.  Those who have exhibited a fullness in their Priesthood in the past 100 years are only those who have not sold out for filthy lucre or for power or for pride.  It is the humble followers of Christ - and few there be that find Him and the gate which He employeth no servant at.

The ones I am sure He will NOT let through, are those who were seduced by power, money and greed.  I include in that group (based on my understanding of how things work), those who were the habiliments of the false priesthood; the white coats of the doctors, the powdered wigs of the barrister, the silk ties of those on Wall Street who worship at the feet of Baal.  I think very many in the FBI, the military top brass, the CIA and Wall Street and so much else that recruit heavily from BYU and the ranks of returned missionaries, who think they have two one-way tickets to Paradise, will find that their love for Eddy (easy) Money of this world has clouded their judgement and they, instead, are headed directly to hell.  Depart ye who knew me not....  This is what I believe will be the call for those who should have known better, who attend the DC temple once a month, pay their tithes, do their home teaching and go to church every Sunday - but work for an organization that is filled with corruption and filth.  The average doctor, over 10 years, if they fulfil the vaccine schedule for the majority (70%) of their patients - will earn approx 1.5 million dollars in that time frame on kickbacks from the poison purveyors (that most know as big pHarma).  More, possibly, than they would as part of their base pay.  They are literally being paid handsomely to poison the population.  If you think I am raising hell on this blog dredging up the sludge in a spiritual sense, there is a whole other part of me that spends more time than I do on this blog, dredging up the stuff on VAERs deaths related to vaccinations, etc.  I am all sorts of pissed off at the medical community - and warn any of them pushing these "miracle" vaccines to back off or risk going to hell.  Straight to hell.  To me, you cannot be a good person and simultaneously push that garbage.  This includes my Stake President in Cardston and his overlord, the area rep who recently retired and is now a sealer in the Cardston Temple.  They are no better than the "mercs" or mercenaries who are paid assassins.  One, an immediate killer/maimer who can send the death wish at 2300fps; the other who can do it one adjuvant or mRNA injection or one untimely ventilator unplugging for organ transplants at a time.  Either way, it is filthy practices for filthy lucre and it will only seal you satan's own over time.  You can no longer hide behind, "I was just doing it because it was the standard practice of the day" or, "I was just following orders" because the RFKs of the world and Elon Musks of the world are going to strip away the curtains that masters have had in place and the media will now report the cold, hard truths.  The FDA will be constrained to admit the massive carnage caused by vaccines (just in relation to autism and Guillane Barre) was a real thing.  Doctors will have to bow the knee and confess that their hellish ways were wrong and that they were at war with the health of the American/Canadian people due to their brainwashing in their formerly esteemed Medical Schools.  Those that have pushed the vaccines (I have no problem with the doctors who set bones, deliver babies the natural way, if possible, who are trained to read CT scans and blood work and diagnose conditions accurately) will either confess their sins, or will be taken out of the way.

If they do not, they will reap what they have sown: poison for poison, violence for violence, livelihoods lost for livelihoods lost.  An eye for an eye, tit for tat, the Law of the Harvest.  It will either happen on this side of the veil, or on the other.  The choice is yours.  Do not blow me off - because if you do, you do so at your own peril.  If you have not been warned over the pulpit, you have at least been warned by a crazy man in the sagebrush of northern Nevada.


  1. Maybe no one cares but I found my scripture I have been looking for, for sometime D&C Chapter 101, mostly the whole chapter provides patterns relative to 101: 85 - 91 describes those other than offense of the HG that includes a larger population for candidates for outer darkness. This comes from JS not today's place holders.

    86 Let them importune at the feet of the judge;

    87 And if he heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the governor;

    88 And if the governor heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the president;

    89 And if the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation;

    90 And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers;

    86 Let them importune at the feet of the judge;

    87 And if he heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the governor;

    88 And if the governor heed them not, let them importune at the feet of the president;

    89 And if the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation;

    90 And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers;

    91 Even in outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

  2. People of this nation may not have importuned at the feet of the judge, and the rest of the way up, officially, but they have gone to their representatives and State and Federal government only to have political promises and no action for a very long time as most of our representatives have compromised to the dark side, Deep State trajectory.
    I saw a FB post of Biden in walking away from a podium with a picture Washington in a picture in the image, with a statement by George Washington that says "No punishment, in my opinion, is too great for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin".

    In any case you can't do things that diminish the people not just of this country but all countries that are dependent upon the US financial status and whatever good or stability it is capable of providing. Yet WE ARE AT WAR with an enemy within that we can not identify clearly, the Globalists entity has no people who stand out, those that do like Soros, Obama, Trudeau and any number of heads of state are just figure heads of this entity. Satan is at the head of this group and its direction has always been consistent over the past century with this , to tear down and diminish, buy up armies and navies and reign with blood and horror. The US has done its part by aiding and supporting middle east terrorist groups, deposing and implanting despotic leaders around the world through the dark side of our government. If the people aren't controlled thru marxist, socialist ideologies, then bribery or extortion and if that doesn't work then threats to self and family keep everyone controlled. It's called Secret Combinations, that does not exist if the media complex doesn't mention it. But ideologies work the best, because people can be convinced through lies and especially half truths, to going against their own conscience.
