Sunday, December 15, 2024


 We know the ancient Israelites had some very interesting relics including the Rod of Aaron which was the staff that Moses used to perform his miracles and which was handed down to John the Baptist (direct descendant of Aaron) which ended up in this dispensation via Oliver Cowdery and which was the "cane" that Brigham used to strike the ground and declare the location of the Salt Lake Temple.  Here are some previous pieces I did on the subject:

And this was the subject that got me labelled a heretic by a counselor in our Cardston Bishopric for even mentioning.  Man, I hate it when facts and data get me into trouble....  Just because you are just too dumb or too disinterested to look up cool stuff, does not make me "nefarious".  Head in the sand much?

Anyway, they also had a device which was basically a laser, but whose name roughly translates into "holy worm" and could burn through stone and could kill people as a defensive weapon.  This was the Shamir and also has it's ties to the Garden of Eden:

In like fashion, we know they used to transport very large things over exceeding long distances.  Large stones, etc  To the point, some feats cannot still be duplicated to this day.

Did the Levites (Aaron) also have this ability?:

I will be looking for more information to corroborate this detail.

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