Monday, September 9, 2024


 So, I just watched most of this sentencing video against a hospital that screwed the Kowalski family to the point that the mother (a nurse who was just trying to help her daughter get some relief from chronic pain) ended up hanging herself in the garage.

The payout by Johns Hopkins was over 200 million dollars.  You cannot bring back a mother - and quite frankly, she did the right thing by ending her life to shine a spotlight on the abuse that family suffered.  If she had not, it would have just made a minor footnote in some record and the abuses would have continued.  Was the hopital staff truly acting in the best interest of the patient?  Only God truly knows.  In my opinion and my experience, those that often harbor a god complex over-step their bounds on a regular basis.  This is just one example.

When I was intubated, I attempted a breakout from the hospital because they were not allowing my wife or any family to come visit me, even though she had tested positive for Covid two weeks prior and had gone through the two week period where she was technically no longer contagious by all medical standards.  Nor was I.  But, she had schooled several of the doctors there on the "safety" and "effectiveness" of the shcitt schott and they were likely acting in a punitive stance towards her and I.  As soon as she pushed back (when they asked her why she was not schotted), they cut her off from any hope of a future visit and without warning - after assuring her that she was fine to come in to see me prior to her schooling them on the dangers of the schitt-schott.

After ripping the pic line out of the back of my hand, and rolling out of bed, I passed out.  I still remember the grinding feeling of that needle coming out of me as I did more of a twisting motion than a linear motion.  The pool of blood when I came to was around the size of a platter.  I managed to army crawl along the side of the hospital bed and around the end of it where I think my catheter hung me up and I intermittently passed out while shitting myself repeatedly.  It must have been a sight to behold; shit and blood everywhere.

Withholding family from one who is suffering is torture.  It was for me.  When they saw I was pretty determined to over-ride their stupid decisions, they got my wife in pronto and there was ZERO impact to herself, myself or any other patients there that I am aware of.  Besides, if the jib jab were so effective, what impact would an uninnoculated have on those who had the "effective" poke?!?  Logic says it would be none.  Coercive white-coats with an agenda would say and act otherwise.  I call this gas lighting.

Anyway - yeah, if I had been on the jury, I would have thrown the book at those who acted so stupidly which directly led to the death of a loved one.

So, when Alaska Airlines management knowingly did not grease the ballscrew actuator on their horizontal stabilizer and it caused a terrifying crash of an MD-83, should each of those surviving family members not get a similar payout instead of the paltry sums that were handed out to the families to sign saying they would not pursue legal action for negligence.

When an asshole from Raymond (a doctor and some kind of ecclesiastical leader) heaps more persecution on patient Saints who have VERY good reasons for not taking the clot shot (both of my parents and one sibling now have died from bloodclot related disorders, before Covid ever came along and they were in perfect health), what do you do with that?  Many of us who sought out the best medical advice and received answers from the Great Physician, have PTSD from the way we were treated by the do-gooders.  My wife was just summoned to talk to our old neighbor who is also a Temple Sealer in Cardston and who hammered on us for not being good Saints and non-followers of the Prophet.  She really does not want to meet with her because of the Pharisaical BS she subjected our family to during the scamdemic because we were spiritual mutants.  Sheesh.  I am amazed my wife is still powering on after that shit.

I am telling you - I can hardly take the corruption I see around me.  The cover ups.  The obfuscation.  The hypocrisy.  The gaslighting.  It is a little much some days.  I fantasize of getting to the other side and being a Destroying Angel.  I am sure I would raise a little hell in that role.  I desire it.

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