Friday, August 2, 2024


 As the Senate just forced Boeing's hand to buy back Boeing Wichita (Spirit Aerosystems) and punk the CEO because the brand is on the brink of becoming a hiss and a byword, I was explaining things to a co-worker.  How I became a whistleblower to try and help save Boeing from being overtaken by the Chinese offering.  American aerospace is a critical sector that must not fail, including the Commercial sector.

I reviewed that list of crashes after I made that call about the three complete hull losses within a 13 month period.  Here is a list of all the incidents and crashes:

We are about to see prophecy fulfilled completely.  To the point that the naysayers will have zero legs to stand on.

On that note, President Nelson is deathly ill.  Pray for his return to health.

1 comment:

  1. President Nelson is ill? I know he's a month shy of a hundred but where did you hear that?
