Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Interesting!  I had only been privy to snippets of this letter:


LDS Near Death Experience Discussion

Greg Neal

What does this group think about the Visions of Glory book seeing as how it has been linked to so many extremist people lately like Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, Julie Rowe, Jodi Hildebrandt, and Ruby Franke? I never read it when I was first told about it because it just gave me a bad feeling. And now we have seen Thom Harrison(Spencer in the book)come out and separate himself from the book.

Edit: For those of you that asked here is a letter written by Thom to his priesthood leaders in March 2014 regarding VoG:

Thomas Gene Harrison

March 23, 2014

Regarding “Visions of Glory”

To Whom it may concern and My Priesthood Leaders as now constituted;

After meeting with my Stake President on this 23rd day of March 2014, I write this letter to disclose my feelings and present opinions of the book “Visions of Glory”, which was published by Cedar Fort Publishing Co. on December of 2012.

I disclose that I am “Spencer” the person whom the majority of this account is written about. I have been asked to discuss the origins and my present feelings associated with this book.

I first met John Pontius via a person whom I met when she was in her youth. She and John’s daughter had moved into the same ward in Colorado. She thought that he and I had shared many similar experiences from our mutual years of illness and my three near-death experiences and that it would be “good for us to meet.” After our first meeting I was pleased to speak with John, an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who had the capacity to talk openly about these things we had in common, which much of these things I had kept to myself for a number of years. It was refreshing to be able to speak openly of these things with him.

Shortly after our first meeting John suggested that these experiences should be written down, even if it were just for my posterity. This concept was initially contrary to everything I had been taught and had read about regarding the sharing of sacred experiences with others. We continued to talk and I began to see the possible purpose in having this record for my family. John was a published author of many books dealing with LDS church topics. John assisted me by sharing his insights into the things I spoke with him about. Many of these experiences I shared with him I had and seen when I was very ill over a protracted period of time. In hindsight, I see far more clearly that it would have been better to follow the counsel of Elder Neal Maxwell, a member of our ward, when he said to me, “Brother Thom, do not try and interpret these things or read into them.” He counseled me that I should wait to see and experience these things in the proper timing of the Lord.

It was not until I attended a leadership meeting at my Stake Center when I heard our present Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson tell us as priesthood leadership that we needed to share more openly our testimonies and special sacred experiences with our friends, families and fellow Saints on social media and in writing, to strengthen one another by that which we have experienced. After hearing this counsel, only then did I start to think maybe John Pontius was right and that I should express these experiences, to strengthen those who might read of these things, that they might remind them that God cares for each of us and is mindful of us. It was at this time that I also read Elder Melvin Ballard’s experience with a personal visitation with Christ and also read of Elder Haight’s story of Seeing Christ in Gethsemane.

I prayed expressively about this and after these experiences, believing maybe the Brethren had relaxed their view regarding disclosure, I agreed to disclose a portion of these things to John and go forward from there in association with what would become of these communications. I knew John had terminal cancer and he would leave my life as quickly as he had come into it. In hindsight believing, John would pass away before this book would ever see the light of day.

After 50 hours of meeting with John Pontius he asked if he could share some chapters of what we had written with his publisher, Cedar Fort. He did so and they were reluctant to publish them, stating their would not be an audience for such a story. They told John that if they did publish the Book, they would start with about 550 copies of the manuscript, however they did not think there would be a market for this book. I believed them and after consulting with John about his thinking, knowing that this was there business not mine and they must be familiar with what sells and what does not sell. I believed at best maybe a few copies would sell and John would have his last wish before departing this life, from the complications associated with his terminal intestinal cancer. John had a blog spot, “un-blog my soul” were I believed a few of his faithful readers would read such a book as this, it would be a flash in the pan and then done.

John continued to work on the book and sent me manuscripts to edit and comment on. We were doing this all electronically and I believed he was receiving all of my comments and changes as I sent them. I surprisingly learned after his death in December of 2012, when I was finally given a copy of the published book, that many of my corrections and the entire last editing of “Visions of Glory” had not either been received by the publisher or that John, in his profound state of illness in those last few weeks of his suffering, did not include. Realizing after reading the published book for the first time, that this was a joint effort and I would estimate that a third of the book was John’s interpretation of what I had seen or experienced or even that more of the content of the book was the facility that an author needs to use to place these experiences into a context and a story line scenario. John also added to the book things, which he had seen and experienced which were different from that, which I had experienced.

I have no need or do not want to give the impression that I am “throwing John Pontius under the bus,” however I can only be responsible to that which I actually related to him and experienced for myself. The remainder is John’s work, capacity for writing and his placing my experiences into an appropriate context and story line.

From the start, I do not or have not seen myself, or “Visions of Glory”, the book, as attempting to speak for the church or saying this is in any way doctrinal or a true account of what we as a people have in store for us. It was and is experiences given to me alone. Not meant to be generalized in to what will happen to the church or people as a whole. I believe much of it is a metaphor or analogy and should be seen as such. It is and has been just what I saw, my own experience. Not always depicted as I saw or experienced it but more as a writer would take a story and try to flesh it out for the reading public.

At this time of my life, I wished I would have kept it all to myself. That, “Visions of Glory” the book, was just those experiences one man had and that no one else had ever read this account. It has caused me great grief, despair, family discord, public ill treatment, derision and criticism. I have learned that when we undertake to cast sacred things before the masses that they turn and rend you and that the rending is very severe.

There are doctrinal incorrect aspects of the book. Some being my perception and some being errors in the transmission of the work. Some, out of my or John’s misinterpretation of what was being said, or what was shown to me. It is difficult for two minds to have complete accuracy in trying to explain what was seen into words that convey the true meaning of what was shown.

It is my intent to not speak of this account any further other than this letter. I do not have the rights to this work they belong to the Pontius family. So I have no power to stop the printing of this book.

Under no circumstance did John or I ever mean or conspire, deceive or acquire gain from these sacred things. Our hope was to lift, bless and bring people to Christ.

If asked about this work I will give those who inquire a copy of this letter. I will not give firesides or presentations regarding this book.

I hold my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as my most prized possession. I apologize for any injury or misunderstanding this has caused the Church, my family or any individual associated with this book. I am sorry for any offence this has caused any member.


Thomas G. Harrison


  1. There seem to be two extremes who love “Visions of Glory.” Those who see it as a way to promote themselves or their agenda and lead others astray. And those who are humble followers of Christ.

    Then there are the gradients in the spectrum. Those who want to be super careful not to be made a fool of or make a mistake if the book were wrong (kinda like a Catholic worried about reading the Book of Mormon).

    Those whose friends deride it, so they will not even go there because of peer pressure.

    Those who have seen a photo of it next to Chad Daybell when he and Lori V. are sun tanning and that is all they know about it. Ope, that’s it; the measuring stick. What if a church book or scripture were there; would it had made the Bible less true had that been there?

    Those who say that what they already have to read that is approval stamped by the church’s organization is enough and they need no more outside spiritual reading material; kind of like what the Protestants say about the Bible.

    Those that say the content in there is so distressing they could not stomach it or started to but couldn’t finish it. Okay, I respect your sensitivity, but Isaiah is worse, (in some of its detail—need I list it here? And Christ commanded us to read Isaiah. Maybe if you had studied Isaiah as directed, you would be able to handle more future possibilities, to put it lightly.

    John Dehlin’s camp ridicules and misrepresents some things he says about V of G. Now you are part of his camp possibly? No, that would be too much like the V of G book was in Daybell’s picture.

    The person who had the experience in the book that was published (VogG) came before a church court. Yes, he did… and came out of it fine. Was told not to get a following. Well, that was wise, prophetic counsel, considering the weird things which the Chad Daybell’s and Julie Row’s did that were around the corner (in the future). Those who have an interesting agenda, usually leave out the part about being exonerated (church court/leaders). If they know about the court or whatever, why do they not tell the whole story? That always gets me, and I have little respect for that. They are often the first to whine that the church doesn’t publish or tell the whole story when the pioneer journals are freely out there to be read and a lot of them have chosen not read the original records, but someone else’s truncated version.

  2. Also, if you have ever had major issues and gone to see him (as a therapist) a few times and the worst part of your issues, you have been able to work through after only a few sessions, but over time, when you have gone to therapists for months over a decade before (even LDS) and somehow the combination of what you were doing with them wasn’t enough. What I am trying to say is, after only about five sessions with the man who is so maligned, I really began turning some corners for issues I have had since a child and teenager. He mostly listened asked questions. But I highly value the insights and spiritual nuggets that I received. I believe the few visits that I had with him made all the difference.

    “Wine-bibber, gluttonous, eats with sinners, heals on the Sabbath…”

    Not the only maligned one.

    If you’re not sure about the book because you’re just not sure, that is one thing. We all can fine-tune our ability to discern right and wrong and truth from error.

    If you just want to disparage the book because it’s content’s point to plausible future reality that could rain on your parade, put a damper on your ability to eat, drink, and be merry for a season, bring down Babylon, which does provide some comfort, pleasure, and ease for some of the lucky….then just put it down. Why disparage the author?

    (You probably needed counseling sessions before you ever started even reading….if that is the next thing you were going to say to this comment.)

  3. I intended to say, “Why disparage (not the author), but the experiencer?”

  4. VofG is a fascinating story and it is worth the telling to verify with other stories, but these are things I just put up on the shelf with other stories and it may have nothing to do with my life. Gail Smith up out her story almost 30 years ago and so far nothing happened, fortunately. But at some point in time weather these experiencers are still alive or not something is going to happen.

    I find it silly people should look to Leadership of the Church as to.... should I speak of these things or not? He has spoken only a portion of his why don't you Mr. Spencer, write it down as you would want it related? People experience these things for a reason, if only to alert us to coming events. It would be great if we can look forward to miraculous events to preserve the good people of the earth.

    My problem is most the membership are clueless as to coming events leading to the return of the Savior to come rapidly in quick succession, history has not proven this to be the case given the time needed to establish the New Jerusalem and considering the course of events needed to take place before.
    Joel Skousen, a nonexperiencer, and possibly a doubter in all of this, only follows world events with a military and political background with a view for the Secret Combinations. You can see the whole senario in Sknousen's run for President on the Constitution Party ticket as a vehicle to expose his ideas:

    The only talk radio I care to listen to is ktkk radio in SLC UT., most relavent information without big money influence of syndicated talk shows.
    Dr. Jack Stockwell gives the Lyndon Lauouche view of world events 7 to 9 am, Mountain Standard Time, Monday and Tuesday, on Wednesday he does his health show.
    Paul Jensen is good to listen to 7 to 9 am Thursday and Friday. On Thursday he interviews with Alex Neuman, editor of the New American, 8 to 9am. Joel Skousen comes on Paul's program Friday's from 8 to 9 am with his World Affairs Brief. there is other spotty local programing after 9 to noon during the week that are worth listening to, the rest is syndicated. They also have broadcasting problems from time to time as it is a small operation.

    You have to take Alex Jones programing with a grain of salt or sometimes rock salt and be careful you don't burn out your adrenals with all the fear. But much is true but not as eminent as Jones makes it.
    That said, Russia's war making supplies are down too low to engage in a war. China is not yet ready as both will move when they are prepared to take down the US. Our government is doing everything it can to piss off Russia and divide and compromise the US with girly boys in the military and so much else.

  5. You know i have a very interesting experience with this book. I was lead to it by the spirit at Seagull book. After reading ill be honest, it scared me and i had some issues with how some things were presented. Because of how somethings were presented i didnt like it and spoke ill of the book. However if i were being honest with my self i knew it was true i couldn't dismiss it like some of the other fraudsters. I decided to really study it, i probably put in close to 200 hours picking it apart. I didnt like certain aspects but couldnt dismiss it still. I was till negative at this point. Then after fasting and praying i finally got my answer. After all, with things that happen in book one must know for sure and then prepare if true. So anyways after walking up stairs to go to bed. I felt and amazingly strong spirit. As i came into my room i felt the presence of an angel but could not at this point see. I was told to kneel and pray. I was told what to pray and received immediate answers. I was then told to lay down. After doing so i was told to lay down and immediately i was taken into the future and found myself on the streets of SLC after the earthquake. My angel turned to me opened the book and pointed at it and said " you see it is true" I said "dang it" I was shown other things as well. But because of my diligence of trying to find out the truth the Lord showed it to me and i have just a strong a witness of Thom as the three witnesses of BOM. Sadly it will all happen and probably very soon.
