Monday, June 3, 2024


 We all know that Heber J. Grant dedicated the land of Japan for the spreading of the Gospel prior to WWII.  Apparently, in this dedication, he pointed to the Nephites as having given some of their blood to that great nation of incredible people.

I have been an instrument in the Lord's hands to have Him guide people to me and this blog so that their stories could be exposed regarding the dispersion of the House of Israel to the islands of the sea - along with their subsequent gathering home to (in the future) the New Jerusalem where a world capitol will flourish with most all of God's children represented there.

Earlier in this blog, I have presented the case that the Shinto religion is a Japanized version of Judaism along with the Samurai, the Damascus steel (Samurai swords) and advanced building techniques, advanced textiles and advanced irrigation and farming practices when Judah was grafted into that people.

This is one more testimony of that grafting, dunging, pruning within the Lord's extensive vineyard.  If we knew of our interconnectedness, why would we fight and kill each other over stupid pieces of land, oil rights, money, gold and so much else.  We would instead, raise each other up.  But, it is the devil's intent to erase all historical references to Adam, the eight people that survived the Great Flood and so much else that binds the human family together, so that we are miserable, bickering, greedy and so that we do not do what is right by each other.  The way to bring about world peace is to acknowledge the very thing the athiests and godless minions seek to promulgate, which is:  we are not brothers and sisters, but mere evolved apes who are fighting for their piece of the jungle.  How diminuitive!!

Here is the gem I found (Hannah Stoddard):


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