Saturday, June 22, 2024


 It is quite possible that this is the best witness of the book.  I wish I could make this required reading for temple counselors…:

You know i have a very interesting experience with this book. I was lead to it by the spirit at Seagull book. After reading ill be honest, it scared me and i had some issues with how some things were presented. Because of how somethings were presented i didnt like it and spoke ill of the book. However if i were being honest with my self i knew it was true i couldn't dismiss it like some of the other fraudsters. I decided to really study it, i probably put in close to 200 hours picking it apart. I didnt like certain aspects but couldnt dismiss it still. I was till negative at this point. Then after fasting and praying i finally got my answer. After all, with things that happen in book one must know for sure and then prepare if true. So anyways after walking up stairs to go to bed. I felt and amazingly strong spirit. As i came into my room i felt the presence of an angel but could not at this point see. I was told to kneel and pray. I was told what to pray and received immediate answers. I was then told to lay down. After doing so i was told to lay down and immediately i was taken into the future and found myself on the streets of SLC after the earthquake. My angel turned to me opened the book and pointed at it and said " you see it is true" I said "dang it" I was shown other things as well. But because of my diligence of trying to find out the truth the Lord showed it to me and i have just a strong a witness of Thom as the three witnesses of BOM. Sadly it will all happen and probably very soon.


  1. That book is from the pit of Hell!

    1. If this was sarcasm... I like it!
      I suppose there are some with that strong of an emotion who are threatened by about anything that can't be documented as coming from a General Authority. The last thing I would want to see is people doubting themselves and choosing not to reveal experiences. Let me determine it's level of importance. I do believe there will be such cataclysmic events that will take place and this book follows this pattern as others do. I put it up on the shelf in my mind palace for future reference.

      The pit of hell is reserved for those trying to deceive and cause people to loose their faith for the sake of self empowerment in some form. I see so many of my family members following after the philosophies of our time some intermingled with LDS doctrine, and some are completely off the ranch. VofG is made fun of or give it no credence at all then I see the more fanatical side all with their tails in a knot.

  2. Read VISIONS OF GLORY the day it came out and I absolutely felt the spirit of Lord. It's not a perfect book by any means... however, I believe the author was inspired by God to write it. Many just want to hear that all is well is Zion. Read 2 Nephi 28. I did not expect it to be perfect for we see through a glass, darkly. Read 1 Corinthians 13:12.
