Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 Things are obviously destabilizing in Russia.  That a ranking person in the military would even decide to make a run against Moscow is kind of beyond the pale.  Whatever that was with the head of Wagner was bizarre to say the least.  I do not remember anything like this since there were tanks shooting rounds into their equivalent congressional office building back in 1992.  Just plain weird...

And then it ended as quickly as it started.

Just what-iffing here.  What if Putin finally were toppled.  Could it set the stage for the A/C?  I think it could.  Supposedly someone will arise from that region that is excessively ruthless.  I kind of like Putin.  He is a likable dictator and I think he is trying to do what is right for Russia.  Those around him are very corrupt, no doubt.  But I believe we are on par with that corruption here in the USA.  We have not held the moral high ground for a VERY long time.  So, we both merit what we will get, just as the Lamanites and Nephites did (the more wicked killing off those that once had the moral high ground - but fell into depravity (as we "celebrate" this month of debauchery).

And so it goes.

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