Sunday, May 21, 2023


Apparently so...:

 And in my house shall it begin.  How much longer do we have to wait for the hammer to fall?

When Elizabeth Smart's dad came out as gay (as a nearly 70 year old man), I knew there was trouble in Oz (not ziOn)...

How does a guy who has been an active guy all his life just walk away from a doting wife and kids and further confuse a poor confused girl that went through what Elizabeth went through?  Selfish in the extreme.  I wonder if he was one of those guys who was gay cruising in City Creek Park whose clothes we were picking out of the bushes with the youth group.  So wrong.  If I had not been so clueless 30 years ago, I would have shut things down immediately and left it to the Parks Dept to clean up.  But, we were in Zion, were we not?  Yikes!  I wonder about how bad it has gotten in the last 30 years since that rude introduction to the state of things in Utah.

So yeah.  Just lovely.  Now where is the bleach.  I need a good mind scrubbing...

This is after a good hearty online firefight with some devils incarnate who are attempting to turn Cardston from a dry town to a liquored up hell hole.

I am sure, like Jesus did with the woman's accusers, I started listing all of the carnage I have experienced vicariously from drinking and driving.  I, of course, was accused of fear mongering.  Nope.  Just stating the facts of how some people have had terrible things happen to them at the hands of the alcoholics.  Do we need to encourage any more of that?  Nope!  Not a chance.

People decapitated by the hood of their car, cut in half by the seatbelts, crushed into twisted metal and then roasted alive with those who attempted to rescue having to hear the screams until the boiled body succombed to the heat and pain.  Yep, just lovely.  We WANT MORE OF THAT!!  WOOHOO!!

Freakin malcreants and losers!  NIMBY!  The teetotalers were here first.  We plan to stay.  And the worst part is a gal on the Town Council who used to be in my ward and worked with the Youth is pushing for it.  Damn her...  Freaking wolf in sheep's clothing.  I always thought to myself that she had a wicked look about her.  Confirmed; fighting for the other team.  What an embarrassment for Mormondom.  I don't care if people drink.  I actually pretty firmly believe a little now and again is no big deal if someone decides to do so.  It will not kill themselves nor anyone else around them.  But we all know well too well that it never stops at one.  And it is the judgment that is impaired that causes step dads to predatorily move on a four year old to molest her, for a teen girl to lose enough of her inhibitions that she gets pregnant in a moment of passion on a Friday night, for a kid to go barreling down a road with uninhibited unbuckled passengers to roll and have them crushed as they are ejected from the vehicle, for a divorcee who was in an RS Presidency to turn to the hooch to cope and then drive, crossing a center line and killing herself and almost taking the life of the guy coming the opposite direction.  Yep, this is what I have seen here in Cardston and I am sure that is only half of the story.  As with any small town, the details are swept under the carpet because there are family names to protect and airs to keep up, so no one learns valuable lessons from the rest of the herd's follies.

So yeah, I kept ratcheting up the rhetoric as these "out of towners" who were mostly disaffected who have left the flock long ago, but still want to see it slide to their abased state, pick away at our little haven until it is in a state of mediocrity as their situation is.  It is never enough to leave - they can never leave it alone until it has become as miserable as they are...  So predictably sad.  So wretched.  So much like satan.  A tale as old as time.

And then there are those who declare that "all is well in Zion" and fiddle as it burns to the ground.  We have so far to go until we begin to have leadership with backbone.  That the wicked feared.  Not because they are forceful men, but because the consequences that come upon the wicked for attempting to draw down the strength of those on Zion's Hill, are overpowering.

I long for that day, that city and for the Lord to put all evil under His feet.  It will be glorious!

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