Friday, December 16, 2022


Absolutely hilarious!:

I really struggle with people who are illogical or who only present the side of their arguments that are openly biased.

The Great Judgment that we will all pass through is one where we will simply see things as they are.  There will be no whitewashing.  No digging up the standby excuses.  Even the dog will be called upon to deliver the final blow that he indeed was not guilty of eating that paper that was due...

We will be able to see things from others' perspectives and so much else.  It will be an epic time.

I am aware of kids who were tossed physically out of their homes for creating friction (video games and being argumentative and disrespectful over it).  While the parents may have been over-reacting a little, the conversations where they agreed to abide by a set of guidelines in order to have a video game console in the home, will be brought to memory.  All sides will be fairly played.  Emotions will be felt, etc.  Intent displayed clearly.

The judgment is not done in a condemning way.  It is done in a "sorting everything out" kind of way.  It is designed to leave no stone unturned.  The reason the wicked (including myself, if I have not repented fully) will be turned over to the buffetings of satan, is that all who are ready to be judged will have to be humbled enough that their knees bend to the very God of Earth and Heaven and that their tongue is able to confess that His ways are Just.  It is quite simple.  Not ready to confess?  More time in the pokey to soften up.

I just had a run-in with another DoCer today who was trashing on Brigham Young and our current leadership.  I pointed out that they would be judged of them all.  He challenged me.  I pointed out some basic doctrine (which makes me wonder if he even has read the Book of Mormon) that he did not know.

What a mentally ill moron....  Sheesh.

I have found that most of them are just useful goons of what appears to be quite the hierarchy above them.  They are well-planned and well-funded, from what I can see.  It is an orchestrated attack to pick off as many as they can.  So, I am mobilizing on the counter-offensive.  I can put a ton of digital lead out there when I get hacked off about something.


  1. The Doctrine Of Christ loons will Peter out soon enough, seems like the Snufferites have lost traction as well. Not sure why you care. You yourself gave trashed current leadership, no? Specifically the whole shot thing. You’re a bit of a cafeteria Mo aren’t you? My advise, take a step way back and try to become more self aware. You’re smart, you could do some good if you could stay on track.

  2. I think sometimes that the cafeteria Mo people are the ones with the strong testimonies because they don't relie on blind faith which Joseph smith said is akin to slavery.
