Friday, November 18, 2022


Okay, one of the biggest anti-Brighamite detractors posted this hit piece by the DoC.  He will not say it but he (the "professor" in this video) is a full on poser.  In it, an assertion will be made that will undermine faith in authority of the Lord's anointed who are tasked with running the kingdom until Christ comes and takes the reigns.  See here is the problem.  The DoC crowd says there is NO authority (since 1834) and that the Church was lost back then, but it miraculously was able to beat the odds and take the gospel to every nation, kindred tongue and people while also taking it (via proxy ordinance) to billions of people awaiting the command on the other side to be born of water and of the Spirit.  It is non-sense to assume that this (like evolution, successful herding of cats, and so much other poppycock) just kind of happened on it's own.  Pure rubbish.  God has been in charge the whole time.  And He will be until the rightful transfer of keys is made at Adam-ondi-Ahman.  Not from some (herd of cats) DoCer who makes the assertion that there is no rightful authority on the earth, but who will gladly step forward to imply that they do (or something along those lines) and that they will be the ones to make the meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman happen somehow.  Talk about posers and usurpers.  Heck, I think satan himself had a better argument in the pre-mortal realms when attempting to tear down the authority of Jesus Christ and set himself up as the one on the moral high ground with some kind of "disorganized/disjointed/hairbrained, herding cats" bs plan that was going to take the place of the Savior's plan of happiness.... 

These charlatans put this stuff out there to make our Prophet look bad along with others.  It is calculated.  It is as nefarious as any actions by the gadiantons to infiltrate at the top (and yes, I do not discount that it is possible and even likely that we have been infiltrated in most echelons of Church leadership).  They cast the same light on the Founding Fathers.  And my position is this:  either most of them showed up in the St George temple to get their work done.  They either were good enough to be allowed to go there, or they were not.  I believe they were (in spite of any warts they may have had in any involvement in slavery or other practices of the day such as hitting the pub for a beer, etc) good, honest and just men and their works generally prove it.  No amount of poo flinging by some leftist historical revisionist will change my mind.  Nor any amount by some piece-of-work anti....  So sick of them all.  Chances are quite good they are just simply projecting their blackness of souls onto otherwise good people.  I have witnessed this by pieces of work in my family that I am forced to deal with who have slandered myself, my father and so many others that I know, for a fact, are not what these POW are trying to paint them to be.

When I was in high school, I was invited along with several other fellow Valedictorians in my class, to a banquet in our honor and we were all given scholarships at the local Freemasons Lodge.  One was chosen for a national award.  That was me.  I accepted their money and there was a big write-up in the paper with photos of us all at the Lodge.  The same was true of the BPOE - which is another (less secretive) brotherhood/service organization where I observed that alot of alcohol was being served as I gave my acceptance speech for quite frankly, a ton of scholarship money both which basically paid all the tuition of my college education.  Never once have I ever set foot in one of those buildings again - even though I am grateful for the assistance I received and gladly accepted at the time.  I would not want someone to assume (knowing what I know now), that I associate with a group of people who potentially participate in nefarious initiation rites (33rd Degree Masonic rites) that I now know I would disagree with and disavow the actions of.  The fact is this:  I did stuff in college that I might now do now.  Not because I am more moral today necessarily; just that I am more wise to the things of the world, and less naive.  To the point that I might steer my kids clear of these orgs and even of accepting any monies from them for scholarships, etc.

So, to imply that President Nelson has been involved in something more serious than what was done at a Yale skull and bones initiation rite (which includes confessing their sins while masturbating in a coffin so they have extortion material to hold you in check) just by association in a Utah chapter, is a far leap and I would not take that leap, nor make that assertion unless I had solid proof of actual mis-deeds.  It is interesting information (which I have known about for years), but I would never make the leap unless I were harboring ill intentions and trying to tear down character.  Or, if I could conceive of this happening, because it were something in my life that I was projecting from.

Fact is this; alot of the former Denver Snufferites (from the nest of them in Meridian, ID) have become embroiled in adulterous affairs.  I even have (what I suspect was one) make a move on me.  I have never seen anything like it before as a married man - and I rebuffed her and her posse.  The head Snufferite there which shall remain nameless, left his wife for another woman and many marriages were imploded because of this tripe.  This is where a lot of this ends up; as wicked and adulterous people seek after signs when the truth is sitting right in front of them.  So, for those who call out the Lord's anointed, I push it right back on you as you make assertions about sacred temple ordinances and so much else.  It will bite you right in the arse.  Mark my words.  This is not a threat.  This is a simple assertion/statement of fact based on years of observation.  A corrupt tree produces corrupt fruit (maybe not at first - but surely over time).  I get called out on cursing those who refuse to repent.  This is a perfectly good and precedented thing from Joseph Smith cursing the man with blindness to Abinadi calling out King Noah and all the king's men that they would suffer the same manner of death that they subjected Abinadi to.  This was not so much a cursing as it was a man prophesying that natural consequences of the actions of the wicked would bring upon them the natural consequences of disobedience to the governing law.  Very plain.  Very simple.  Just as Gene Matthews who openly cursed my position and my belief if God ended up with a very direct and natural consequence of having done so when the effects of HPV took him down with throat cancer.  Very real.  Very direct.  Good teaching moment for everyone there who I hope took me seriously and ceased their Millennial hook-up ways.

Anyway, here is the video that got me spun up:

I know people that know people and I am need to get this piece to Ben McClintock with the Utah Freedom movement, so he can wake up and quit promoting the opposition.

It takes a heightened sense of the Gift of Discernment to know how these DoCers operate and what their agenda is.  They truly are the wolves in sheep's clothing.  Subtle is their watch cry.

And again, I warn that they will fall into the very pit they have digged for others.  Repent.


  1. Here is the research about Joseph Smith warning the brother to close the bar or he will go blind.

  2. A perspective the Marxist Educator attempts to keep hidden:

    “Thank you. Happy fourth to you and hear us some history:

    Slavery Founding Fathers

    A Message of truth for this Independence Day weekend:

    Many people do not know, (because of history revisionism by Marxist professors) that President Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd POTUS, was very much opposed to slavery. So much so that a huge portion of the original Declaration of Independence was written about the horrors and evils of slavery that King George had forced upon the entire English empire. Jefferson indicated that this was the primary reason, among many reasons, for declaring independence from Great Britain. Unfortunately, Georgia and South Carolina refused to accept the section vilifying slavery, and so the other 11 colonies reluctantly agreed to edit it out of the Declaration in order to preserve a united front in the quest to declare independence from the greatest military power on earth at the time. Without unanimous support of all 13 colonies, they would not have much of a chance to be able to succeed in rebelling against the King.

    Yes it is true that both Washington and Jefferson had slaves. But it is also true that they were both very much opposed to slavery. What is not taught is that neither of them ever bought or sold any slaves. Both of them inherited the slaves they had along with the plantations that they inherited. Both of them wanted to free their slaves, but the laws of Virginia prohibited freeing slaves and also prohibited paying a wage to slaves. If they had broken those laws, they would have been imprisoned, and the slaves on their plantations would have been confiscated and sold by the state to to other slave holders, who no doubt would have mistreated them harshly as many slave owners did in those days. Both Washington and Jefferson treated their people with kindness and respect. None of them were ever abused or beaten. Neither of them ever sold the children of the slaves. They refused to break up the slave families. Many years later, after independence from Great Britain had been won, both Washington and Jefferson gave freedom and pensions to their slaves who wanted them. Many of them refused to leave, choosing instead of stay for the rest of their lives until their masters deaths.

    In todays world, Marxists seek to destroy the true history of our founding fathers, because most of what they did was very much rooted in the teachings of God. And the main purpose of Marxist communism is to, "Dethrone God." Marxism is inspired by Satan, literally speaking, and runs 100% contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jefferson and Washington were both true believers and followers of Christ, and it was largely because of their dedicated Christian lives, of making Covenants with God and keeping those Covenants, that America was founded, won the war for independence against the greatest military might in history at that time, and became the greatest and freest nation in the history of the world, where all men and women are allowed to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience.

    I testify that what I have written here today, I know for sure and for certain to be true, despite any claims by Marxist history revisionists to the contrary. I am willing to stand by my written testimony here for time and all eternity. So help me God.
    And so it is. Amen”
    -Adam Ruplinger
    Independence Day, July 4th, 2022

    Photo is at Glacier Park, Yellowstone National Park

    1. Thank you for this! I’ve heard too much of the other view point and always thought it disgusting to bash the early founding fathers and cause us to lose faith in them and what they did. Awesome piece.
