Sunday, October 2, 2022


 So, here I am at yet another Conference.

So far, no fool has yet CONTINUED to parrot that the jab is "safe and effective".  That has been a high point for me.  Also, there has been no face diaper wearing.  Another indication that sanity and judgment may be returning.  The problem for me (and it is also a blessing considering we are not supposed to put our faith in the arm of the flesh - but to hear Him and trust only in God) is that I will never fully trust things said by those in authority.  I had already de-coupled from the notion that government truly has my best interests in mind (due to corruption), nor that they have the best thing for the Iraqis or the Syrians or those from the Ukraine in mind.  People simply are self-interested.  Period.

Including the response to the whole pandemic scam.  It was to cover the Church's ability to operate in the world - and not necessarily do the right thing regardless of the cost.  I am a little bit too much of a purist - and do NOT  believe in making deals with the devil hoping that it will pay dividends later on.  Either God is sovereign, or He is not.  He will either cover for those He has made covenants with - or He will not.  For example, I kind of struggle with Abraham having to fudge on the full and true identity of his wife to Pharoah.  Though, he technically did not lie, I don't like compromise.  If it is truth, just deal with it and get over yerselves is my take.  If you have to cower, how do you expect the miracle.

BUT - I guess by the same line of logic, why did Jesus have to go incognito?  I guess expediency is the reason - and I am obviously not going to fault Jesus' actions.  So, therefore, I have to cede on my other thinking.  Wisdom is the better part of valor.  100% valor and frontal assaults on evil is not always the best policy.  But, it sure is hard for me to see otherwise.  Even when at Boeing and taking on corruption and stuff that was not right, I had to cede (back off) and let God do His might work.  The response did not always come in a bolt of lightning striking down blatant evil.  Sometimes, likely due to the rules of agency, things had to naturally come to it's own.  In the end, right won in all of my situations, but I had to exercise patience.

So it is here.  Likely, the folly of those who have solidly put their confidence in the arms of flesh, will have to be manifest over time.  It is folly to assume that every time I have been an instrument of an evil act, that I have been given an immediate and punctuated response to my act of evil.  Usually, the lesson is taught to me over time or reflected back at me (like hearing one of my kids later say a foul word they heard come out of my mouth).  These are the best teaching moments - and having my tongue "stayed" in the moment that I have sinned would not have had the same effect as a different lesson pathway.

In like manner, it would be best for those who pushed the jab (especially those with medical backgrounds) to pass ignominiously from the very things those jabs have brought upon us (in Isaiah 28 fashion).  For those who believed wholeheartedly in the response of the government and pharmaceutical "experts", I hope they are burned by the same trust and blind faith in the arm of flesh.  The best teacher is to have real and direct consequences.

Time will tell.  Time will lessen the effects of all of this - hopefully.  Hopefully, lessons are learned and they are never repeated again.  The guts (the best) have been wrenched out of the Church and I hope the stats show this and that the Brethren sit up and take note of the separation of the wheat and tares that has occurred.


  1. I have been trying to study Mormon more. He prepare and wrote the book (under God's direction of course). He had to have studied and skimmed all kinds of data. He was visited by Christ and received his mission to organize the destruction of his people. These are some heavy things, but he is so humble you cannot understand them without reading between the lines. That dude is my favorite BOM prophet. Mormon was all kinds of awesome and trying the learn more about him is a full book story and hard to do. I will keep studying hoping I will understand what we are going through as our civilization is destroyed.

  2. Nothing was said directly about the jab, but maybe you haven't listened to the President of the Corp talk in the Saturday morning session where he warned of false information on the internet or other places, to me, was in reference to opposition to the jab. An article in the Ensign also makes the same warning, using religious verbiage that is just as valid in support of those in opposition to the jab.

    I was listening on the radio and my wife was watching the TV and she said there were two security guys right behind the President Nelson. I have to wonder if he has received threats because of his covid stance.

    Those who are have spoken out against this jab, were at one time before 2020, highly respected in their respective fields of medicine, virology and the rest, but when they go against the popular story, were deplatformed from may internet sites, some loose their jobs or positions for coming out against the government / media complex. Where does it enter the mind of the church leadership that just maybe these people are not crackpots or people looking for attention, power or whatever. It seems that if news is verified by news people and politicians looking at each other and nodding their heads and all the rest of the world media is nodding in unison over the same story line then it must be true.

    I have heard Joel Skousen kindly call the Church leadership naive. I would agree, for better or worse. This means they are not aware as to the extent of the Secret Combinations. They are pretty well controlled, as are most people, by so much of what is heard and seen in the media. I believe If a person harbors prejudices, preconceived notions, they will not likely be able to receive revelation, or they will receive what they want to receive.
