Thursday, August 25, 2022


So, I just broke a Wood Zone record with 23 comments on a single post.  Obviously I hit a nerve (on both sides of the shaht topic).  Some say I am apostate for saying I believe that the shaht is not safe, nor effective.  Until I find evidence to the contrary, I will maintain that position.  Truth is truth.  You cannot sugar coat dog poop.... There is a great meme on FB that states what I have experienced:  there is not a single person alive who regrets not haven gotten the poke, but so many who regret taking it.....   Very true.

I feel like we had a wheat/tares moment.  A five virgins moment.  A "will you follow a mere mortal blindly?" moment.  Or will you decide for yourself what you will do?  Will you follow the Holy Ghost or the counsel of the Savior or will you listen to a weasel like Ouchie Fouchi?!?  What a snake!  While I like some of the personalities among those in Church leadership, I will never engage in dangerous personality (idol) worship.  Nor will I speak ill of my leaders - all of whom have foibles as mere mortals.  I just simply assign a value to their words (I use a scale of 1-10 and assign their words collectively a value and individually).  Some things I take completely to heart, some things I simply dismiss.  

Here is a load of comments - and of course, someone looked up the BY quote for me (thank you!).  And again, I usually do not jump into the foray - but I would say this shaht thing is more controversial/impacting on the membership than anything since Joseph was gunned down in Carthage.  Many have left the Church (at both times - and fragmentation and discord have been the norm).  I have a friend who finally severed her ties to the Church.  An incredible warrioress - but I knew she was going down that bunny trail.  I am so sad for her.  She and many others who are the backbone of the organization are literally fulfilling prophecy by doing so.  Membership in God's Kingdom is a big deal.  We are far from the point of no return.  I am waiting for the purge for the score to even out and then going from there.  To walk away from the doctrine when the going gets a little bumpy is folly, in my humble opinion.  The Savior asked the Apostles if they were done when things got a little dicey.  I think it is a little premature to abandon ship when there is no place else to go.  It is one thing if there was another lilly pad to jump to, but there is nothing.  To jump ship, one basically has to (or eventually will) deny or walk away from many other things.  There are pockets of DoC all over the place who are just waiting for the walking wounded to fall into their arms, offering respite from the "horrors" of the LDS church.  Fact is this; they are throwing stones from their glass houses and grasping at things that they will have to one day pay for having said or entertained the thought of.  Words mean things.  To say that the endowment is "ritual" or that the Church is a "cult" is so far from the pale, it is not funny.  To say that Brigham and John Taylor murdered Joseph Smith or were in on it as co-conspirators just makes me laugh.  I have read the words of both.  I have received angelic and visionary confirmation of the concept of plural marriage which backs up Secton 132 and the words and practices of Brigham Young and so many others who were in the bosom of Joseph.  We have no idea what awaits us on the other side.  But this is for sure:  those who rise up to condemn others who are greater than themselves will pay a heavy price for their loose words - and for those that they happened to lead down the primrose path.

On that same note, it may be possible that those who have led astray over the shaht and led to the misery and deaths of many souls will have to pay a heavy price.  Whether intentional or not, words mean something and they cannot be pulled back once launched.  I would rather say nothing - than say or do something as one with authority, than to do something and lead many astray.

We will have to see how this all plays out.  But, this I do know: it is all part of the sifting and we need to act carefully and intentionally.  Our salvation is at stake.

  1. Actions speak so much louder than words. As soon as they showed President Nelson getting the injection on TV, my parents who up until that point were skeptical, immediately went out and got it.

  2. You have gone too far. You actually think God would allow our prophet to be leading us astray? I have followed your blog for like 10 plus years but it’s officially time for me to say goodbye. You’re slowly falling into strange paths.
    I know for sure that President Nelson is a prophet of God and is our mouth piece from
    God. He and the brethren love and lead this- His church. God would not allow him to be corrupt. And lead us astray. I encourage you to put the shot needle issue on the shelf. And trust that you’ll understand it all later (if that’s what you’re really hung up
    About) you need to read
    And then review what “following the Holy Ghost” means.
    I suggest watching Patterns of Light by Elder Bednar - it’s a 3 part series.
    Revelation comes bits at a time and we can’t see everything at once. I do know that anything our prophet says would never lead us contrary to our own good. I’m sad that you are so boldly considering that some
    Other powers are controlling the church.
    What are you talking about! Are
    You crazy?
    Best of luck.z I truly hope you’ll be able
    To repent and realign yourself with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Read your D & C and pray for forgiveness for breaking your temple covenants and evil speaking of our leadership.

    1. really you honestly believe the shot was safe and effective and our leaders like fauci are great government leaders, dude you have been drinking the cool-aid too long, all three statements were bologna, use the spirit which pres nelson told you too. his statement wasnt on official paper, your government is run totally by gadiaton robbers, time to wake up

    2. With the church? Or realign with the Saviour?

    3. Well I believe that the Savior is at the Head of His true Church.

    4. The temple says evil speaking of the Lord’s anointed. Period. Is it evil, if it’s truth? Does anointed only apply to leadership, or every person who has been anointed in the temple? We can’t build on a false foundation. In order to be redeemed, our foundation and trust must only be on JESUS CHRIST.

  3. There zero chance that the Lord endorsed the CV jab for anyone, or inspired a single soul to take it to save their lives. It was not a "miracle we've been praying for." Quite the contrary. It's provably true that covid and the jab are both man-made crimes on humanity, so to believe that the Lord had anything to do with it, or would want us to take that drug while saying nothing about natural immunity, is to suggest that the Lord endorsed the crime.

    I'm sure the Holy Ghost allayed fears to people who had no choice but to take it, and healed them. I don't doubt that. But Elder Bednar himself said that church's covid policy was based on President Nelson's history as a doctor, not revelation. Well, most doctors were hoodwinked by the criminals. This fact was obvious to some of us from the get-go. It's becoming obvious to those who will are finally waking up.

    None of this means President Nelson isn't a prophet. It simply means he's human like the rest of us. This jab issue exposed a big cultural flaw in the church: too many members put their faith in men and are not following Nelson's Hear Him council--which actually was the inspiration he should have emphasized during covid--rather than reiterating government propaganda word for word. Let's hope the church leadership learned a lesson. (Something tells me that they didn't, and they'll continue pushing CDC guidance as a matter of (uninspired) vax policy.) Well find out this Fall.

    1. How can you say “there is zero chance” ? That means you have no faith, hope, or belief. You actually KNOW for a fact. So God told you face to face that vaccine didn’t help save lives?

  4. I’d love some quotes where BY and JS repudiated this idea that the prophet is infallible. Could you please share?

    1. "None are required to tamely and blindly submit to a man because he has a portion of the Priesthood" (Brigham Young - Millennial Star 1852).

      “We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them even if they knew it was wrong; but such obedience is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself, should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God would despise the idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told to do by their presidents, they should do it without any questions. When Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves, and wish to pave the way to accomplish that wrong, and wish to use the cloak of their authority to cover it with;” (Joseph Smith Millennial Star, vol.14 #38, page 593-95).

  5. This is a question that has really bothered me, why did President Nelson take the vaccines and push them on Church members? If you want to know the answer, turn to the scriptures. Read Daniel 8 which explains that in latter days the holy and mighty people are destroyed. A people are only holy if they make and keep covenants, so this must be referring to us. How do you destroy such a people? By leading them astray. How do you lead them astray? Through their leaders.

    President Nelson is Judas Iscariot that the Lord allowed into his position because the Church was apostatizing through worldliness, pornography, and greed. (Isaiah 30:9-14)

    If you will ask Heavenly Father to show you the truth about President Nelson He will tell you what He told me and lead you to the sources to prove it. I would have done anything President Nelson asked, and I did. But know I know that man is a nightmare.

    Remember that the Lord taught the Nephites that "all things" in Isaiah have a dual nature and "have been and shall be". That means that everything in Isaiah was written for our day. The go and read Isaiah 1, 3, 28, 30. Read D&C 64 and ask yourself, if the Lord is obviously talking about the presiding bishop in v. 40 why do people think the Lord is talking about the prophet of Parowan or the Community of Christ apostles in v. 39? He isn't.

    Read section 85 and ask yourself who is the one who steadies the ark. He was called of God and appointed, so who is it?

    Read section 101 and ask yourself what the parable of the nobleman and the olive trees means? I bet when the Ensign Peak investments was unveiled the Church leaders wish they could get rid of that section. How could a parable be more prophetic? It couldn't.

    I know this is painful but the truth was revealed in the scriptures. Search them and then look at the fruits of this prophet. Not his words, but his works. WEF and UNICEF membership. Church meetings suspended for over a year and the temples closed. NAACP donations. Because of fungibility we have funded abortion through out donations to UNICEF and the NAACP. Politically correct pronouns at BYU women's conference (trust me, he was aware of that presentation before it happened and after, too).

    It's a lot to take in, but have faith. This is part of the Lord's plan and if we'll have faith in the Lord maybe we'll get to see Zion. That's my hope. If you cannot receive this message, then delete it. But remember, when we come before Christ you cannot say you weren't warned.

    1. 100% not possible. What you are saying is Blasphemy. And I equally promise you that in the end, your eyes will be opened to know that Russel Nelson was one of the greatest prophets of the Last Days

    2. LOL, you guys are too much. Iraq and all of you should renounce your membership and get it over with. You all must be listening to the wrong spirit. President Nelsen is absolutely the prophet of God for this Latter Day church. You’d get closer to God and stop this nonsense by abiding his counsel. You all are very lost regardless of what counter argument you have. Many of you have made sacred covenants to not speak evil of the Lords anointed… yet you continue to do so. I invite you to repent. For it is surely needed.

    3. You won’t see Zion with your apostate views. Might as well remove your name from records of the Church.

    4. Anonymous, stating that it is impossible for the prophet to fall is what is actual blasphemy. That's because blasphemy is either denigrating deity or considering a man to be deity and that's what you're doing with President Nelson, whether you realize it or not. Instead of using ad hominem attacks, why don't you address the substance of my arguments? Did I misuse scriptures or did I write something that is non-scriptural? If not, why do you attack me? It's because you are blind and cannot see the truth. We are to live by every word of God, but why do you ignore Deuteronomy 18:20-22? "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass...the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."

      The First Presidency pushed the Covid-19 vaccines when they stated unequivocally that those vaccines are safe and effective in a letter to the Church which bore the name of the Lord. Anyone who thinks that those vaccines are safe and effective is really, really not paying attention. The CDC admits that they aren't effective in the least and there are tons of studies, statistics, and insurance reports (all-cause mortality up 40 percent in one state which is like a 1 in a trillion year event) that show that they are quite dangerous. So, why don't you believe the Lord's prophet Moses? Didn't the Lord state that we live by ALL of His words?

    5. Why should I remove my name from the Church records? This isn't Russell Nelson's church, although he acts like it is with his huge birthday parties and church provided full-sized cutouts for selfies.

      This is the Savior's church and I believe He will send one mighty and strong to set the Church in order soon enough (D&C 85). Your harshness towards me is vaguely reminiscent of the Jews of olden times. I'll try to stick with the word of God, if the current prophet starts to violate it, and I'm pretty sure that's what Heavenly Father would want.

    6. Speaking the truth is not speaking evil of the Lord's anointed. Otherwise, it would make the scriptures non-sensical. It clearly states in JST Mark 9:46 that if our eye...him that is appointed to watch over thee to show thee light, become a transgressor...pluck him out. How are we to do this if we can't make true accusations against the Lord's anointed? In D&C 107:82-84 it outlines the process for excommunicating the president of the Church. Why would the Lord put something like that into the scriptures if He were to forbid us from ever making true accusations? This interpretation of the temple ordinance stands the Lord's word on its head.

  6. "And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. There may have been things said or done that were not in harmony with our values, principles, or doctrine.
    I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings. God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure. But He works through us—His imperfect children—and imperfect people make mistakes.
    In the title page of the Book of Mormon we read, “And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.”
    This is the way it has always been and will be until the perfect day when Christ Himself reigns personally upon the earth.
    It is unfortunate that some have stumbled because of mistakes made by men. But in spite of this, the eternal truth of the restored gospel found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not tarnished, diminished, or destroyed."

    "Come, Join with Us", Dieter F. Uchtdorf, October 2013 General Conference,p38-p42&lang=eng#title8

  7. As I look back over this blog it reads very much like a blog someone like Chad Daybell would keep. Someone who thinks he knows things he can’t. He can never be wrong. A narcissist to the highest degree. But, the beauty of this life is we have the Atonement to make things right. The author of this blog is loved so much by our Heavenly Father that these apostate writings can be forgiven and forgotten. I can tell also, by the little I have read, that the author has a great sense of humor and under all of this bluster a great personality and means well. Somehow though he has lost his way. This last blog post was the most shocking, and reading a couple of comments written by followers of this same apostate attitude has caused me to write this comment myself, though I know it won’t make it to the comment section.

  8. For those flinging the apostate accusations, be thou humble, like President Joseph Fielding Smith.

    In 1961, Joseph Fielding Smith stated that man would never land on the moon. When then-President Joseph Fielding Smith was asked about this during a 1971 press conference, he responded humbly, “Well, I was wrong, wasn’t I?”

    The clot shot was designed, created,
    distributed, and pushed by those with evil intent. If you do not know this, you have denied the spirit, are willfully blind, and ignored president Nelson's counsel.

  9. There are a number of careless accusations of apostasy being thrown around in these comments. I'm trying to understand where that's coming from. It's not apostasy to be an honest seeker of truth, and Iraq seems to be a genuine seeker of truth.
    President Nelson, in his position as president of the church, and knowing that people follow his every word, made a statement that is objectivity untrue. He claimed (repeating the script provided by the "wise" government leaders) that the shots were safe and effective. It's demonstrably not safe as there are hundreds of thousands of recorded injuries and deaths directly associated with the shots. It's also clearly not effective by any definition of the word.
    So, if you belive that a prophet is infallible and is always speaking the words of Christ, that presents you with a pickle. Either you accept the falsehood that was uttered as truth, or you have a crisis of faith.
    On the other hand, if you acknowledge that prophets are men doing their best and many times get it wrong, and sometimes spectacularly so, you don't have to worry about it. "Follow the prophet" is an incorrect principle. The correct version is Follow Christ, and heed the counsel of prophets when they are preaching of Christ.
    Those who claim a prophet can't lead people in error don't understand two key principles. First, the Lord said cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. That includes prophets. Our trust is to be in Christ and Christ alone. The second is agency. No matter your calling or position, God will never take away your agency, even if we use it for ill or in ignorance. God would not "take out" a prophet before he says something incorrect. That notion is a lie and does not align with scripture.

    This is a test.. we're not here to just go along with the crowd, even in church. We're to be tested, and that includes testing whether we'll trust in Christ, even if it goes against what we've been taught our whole lives, and even if it goes against what a trusted man (but still arm of the flesh) tells us to do.
    Seeking truth and calling out error isn't apostasy. It's how we progress.

  10. I can't believe how many people here think that the church president is also their pharmacist. Those of you playing the Prophet card to justify taking an injection of what's literally a bioweapon are what's wrong with church culture. You're zombies who think #HearHim means listen only to the LDS church president (a mortal) rather than engaging your brain. President Nelson is a good man but obviously wasn't following the Fauci/IHC/CDC crime. Did you know that DNA sequencing patented by Moderna was found in Covid 19 (the virus)? The patent was filed three years before covid hit. This means that the vax makers also made the virus! But yeah, if you feel good about playing that self-righteous Prophet card on fellow members who aren't as gullible as you, go ahead. We'll sit back and watch you walk of the cliff with every other lemming.

  11. Read it and weep. For those of you who don't understand the basic concept of a prophet.


  1. The brethren are fallible. Just look at the announcement that they were discontinuing Saturday evening GC only to reinstate it days later. They need to quit saying that all actions are ‘inspired’ when they are not.

    1. In response to questions about a failed revelation (about selling the BofM copyright in Canada), Joseph Smith said “Some revelations come from God, some from man, and some from the devil.” Even the brethren can be mistaken about what is revealed from God.

    2. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught:

      "We have heard men who hold the Priesthood remark, that they would do anything they were told to do by those who presided over them, if they knew it was wrong: but such obedience as this is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself, should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God, who seeks for the redemption of his fellows, would despise the idea of seeing another become his slave, who had an equal right with himself to the favour of God; he would rather see him stand by his side, a sworn enemy to wrong, so long as there was place found for it among men. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty (!) authority, have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the Saints were told to do by their Presidents, they should do it without asking any questions.

      When the Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience, as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves, and wish to pave the way to accomplish that wrong; or else because they have done wrong, and wish to use the cloak of their authority to cover it with, lest it should be discovered by their superiors, who would require an atonement at their hands. [1]

      “President Joseph Smith read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel – said the Lord had declared by the Prophet [Ezekiel], that the people should each stand for himself, and depend on no man or men in that state of corruption of the Jewish Church – that righteous persons could only deliver their own souls – applied it to the present state [1842] of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall – that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves...”

      If any man writes to you, or preaches to you, doctrines contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, set him down as an imposter” (Times and Seasons, April 1, 1844).

      Here is a quote from a LDS Prophet from the early 1900's

      Joseph F Smith

      "When prophets write and speak on the principles of the gospel, they should have the guidance of the Spirit. If they do, then all that they say will be in harmony with the revealed word. If they are in harmony then we know that they have not spoken presumptuously. Should a man speak or write, and what he says is in conflict with the standards which are accepted, with the revelations the Lord has given, then we may reject what he has said, no matter who he is….

      Here are two more quotes from LDS prophets from the 1970's

      Joseph Fielding Smith

      “It makes no difference what is written or what anyone has said, if what has been said is in conflict with what the Lord has revealed, we can set it aside. My words, and the teachings of any other member of the Church, high or low, if they do not square with the revelations, we need not accept them. Let us have this matter clear. We have accepted the four standard works as the measuring yardsticks, or balances, by which we measure every man’s doctrine.

      Harold B Lee

      If anyone, regardless of his position in the Church, were to advance a doctrine that is not substantiated by the standard Church works, meaning the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, you may know that his statement is merely his private opinion. The only one authorized to bring forth any new doctrine is the President of the Church, who, when he does, will declare it as revelation from God, and it will be so accepted by the Council of the Twelve and sustained by the body of the Church. And if any man speak a doctrine which contradicts what is in the standard Church works ( Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants), you may know by that same token that it is false and you are not bound to accept it as truth.
