Sunday, May 15, 2022


 So much has been co-opted from the rainbow to the red vs blue to the swaztika to just about everything.

The devil and his lackeys are such losers that the only way they can get close to getting anything right is by tawdry imitation.  Just like so many cheap Chinese knockoffs….

Here is some great commentary from FB (speaking of not being able to create original content…  haha):

The serpent in ancient Israel was also symbolic of the Messiah. Referred to as the Nahash it was believed to have the divine power to resurrect or be born again(shedding its skin) and to give and take life. This gives enhanced insight as to why satan would appear as a serpent in the garden (a false messiah) to deceive Adam and Eve. It also gives depth to the accounts of Aaron’s staff turning into a serpent to consume Pharaoh’s magicians staffs. Finally it is a direct connection to the serpent story with Moses and the challenges of the serpent’s confronting Israel. Moses lifts up the true Messiah on a pole to look to and live.


  1. I have a member of my ward who hijacked the serpent on a pole to refer to the vaccines all she had to do was look at the vaccines or get the vaccines and your healed. Stupidest thing I've ever heard

  2. It means much more than we think it means. Symbol is very deep. A children’s story should be written in parable form simple enough to read to a child and then the Spirt can witness what the parable means— about the serpent.

  3. Some scholars or linguists say it doesn’t translate “pole” but “banner.”

    Some scholars believe it to be the saw table viper:

    Others believe it to be a pterosaur:

  4. Then there is this worm that burns you as it comes out and from drinking bad water. Moses supplied them with water from the Rock, so I don’t think it was a worm, plus it was a serpent lifted up, not a worm.

  5. And yet another interpretation:

  6. Banner vs Pole:

    183. Clines, Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, 5:697.
