Wednesday, February 23, 2022


One of the doctrinal planks of the DoC crowd is often an outright hatred for Brigham Young.  This is a carryover from the Denver Snuffer craze dayz that it appears the DoC crowd morphed out of, and seemed to have centered in Meridian, ID and a few other hotspots around the intermountain area.  Brigham is pretty much a bad word in those circles.  Many women have gotten on board due to the repulsive nature (in their minds) of plural marriage.  Well, in doing so, Abraham is thrown under the bus along with many others, including Eliza R Snow.  My wife and I happen to love the lady, and we side with the Savior in not condemning Abraham in any way.  We named two girls in honor of ERS.  She is a Queen and will reign among the greats that have graced this earth.

Here is a quote from her:

 While I understand the resistance to this principle and it's attendant doctrine, it is my feeling that those that throw it under the bus and survive through the first part of what is coming, will have to endure the words of Isaiah.  Too many in vision have seen all of the women and children (lack of men).  It will be a twisted formation of it, wherein the principle will be lived once again by force of circumstance - but it will be lived once again.  Great are the words of Isaiah!

We have observed that many that throw Brigham under the bus have embarked on illicit affairs or have extra-marital situations going on.  Again, many centered in the Meridian area.

I have a strong word of caution here.  The gateway to Terrestrial living is the keeping of the Law of Chastity (arguably the hardest law to keep, due to our biological - and healthy, when kept in the proper bounds - programming).  Comprising thought, word and deed.  If we cannot live that law along with the law of Tithing (arguably one of the second hardest laws to keep due to our love of money and it's ability to help sustain life - basic biological and physical necessities), we will not rise to the higher order.  It is arguable, that without a propensity to a higher law than even tithing (Consecration), we simply will not make it, because Consecration in all it's forms including being willing to give up our spouses in order that they obtain their highest potential in the eternities (this is a nod to women, not the men who must meet the spiritual needs of their women, or they risk losing them if not equally yoked to them), Consecration is the gateway to Celestial living that we must master in the Millennium.  Complete lack of selfishness/lust on any front.  Both laws, require implicit faith in God and His plan and a belief that we will be held accountable (at least in the case of chastity), for the way that we used a delegated power (the giving of life).  

It goes without saying that another limited and delegated power (the taking of life, whether human or animal) is above even these two principles.  Only in times of war and for defensive purposes only (in most cases).  So, we make the choice every day of how we want our futures to be.  It is not rocket science.  When you look around you at what is being pushed in our twisted culture (the violence, murder, fornication, adultery, abortion to cover the last two items, and so much else), you know you are in an awful state and the devil rejoices in his temporary kingdom.  All that trash will be taken to the curb, so that we can live without the drama that the trashy living brings.

I was talking with a co-worker (my work wife) yesterday and she is somewhat younger and a fine engineer who has kids about the age of mine.  One of hers has departed the path (lesbianism) and was accusing her of things related to her divorce from a decade ago.  Things were chaotic and dysfunctional then.  I told her that her daughter's accusations were probably stemming from her not feeling good about herself and that they were directed at her and her new husband because she is the "keeper of the values" in the family.  If this daughter can get the accusations of bad mothering to stick, then she has a pretext to throw out the rest of the good things her mother did for her during those years of raising a tassle of kids, going back to school to train as an engineer and juggling everything as a single mom.  A herculean task!!  If not, then the daughter has to do what REALLY needs to be done and repent of gross wickedness and accept that she is nothing before her Lord and Savior, whom she owes her spiritual life to, in order to make it back into the presence of a perfect Father.

I find among the adulterous crowd, similar tendencies in throwing out plural marriage (some, not all).  Many are often in defiance of this principle because they will not bend the knee to the Lord and state their reliance on Him.  They will either throw out God altogether, or in the negotiation stage of their faith profession, wherein they cannot deny the Savior/Book of Mormon, they will throw some of it out and lash out against current leadership (I am not talking the gads here), in order to get past the unresolved feelings they may be experiencing in relation to their own sins.  It is very complex, I know.  But I am seeing a pattern here.  Some of the cases stem out of men treating them poorly.  Some simply gross wickedness related to sexual misconduct; often adultery.

I find the warning or observation of the Savior in Matthew 12:38-39 that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, to be key here.  

So, this is my caution to all humans with hormones out there (including myself), that we need to watch ourselves carefully or we will be found wanting when we are weighed in the balance.  As with anything, if something is not right, repentance is a free gift and can be drawn upon freely.  And no one is judging anyone here - we all are likely in the same hormone soup-filled boat in this mortal experience, so we all will likely need to rely on the same source of forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. I am a fan of Eliza too.

    Wait until some of these women find out Jesus most likely had more than one wife. He would of had to following the highest law of polygamy. In the marriage in Cana, why was Jesus's mother asking him for the wine, was the groom an idiot with that one job, how insulting to the supposed goom.

    I will admit that monogamy is comfortable when you consider you only have one wife to please, and one set of parents in-law. Imagine having to maintain a balance of peace and sanity, equity in the home with more than one wife, now 2 or 3 x the aniverseries and birth days.

    What is Jesus to say to the faithful women when they get to the Celestial kingdom... oh sorry no mate no enter????
    Obviously there are going to be more faithful women than men as there was in the 1800's, do you tell them so sorry go pound sand. I really have to laugh at the lack of logic of monogamist reasonings. It really is about selflessness that would be even more of a challenge today than back then. I feel so sorry for perfectly intelligent well balanced women who have no options.
    No opportunity to have a family in this life and a relationship with someone they would want to be with other than settling for some guber.

    Western Civ is heavily influenced by the pagen Greek / Roman culture which is where monogamy was the standard that all people entering follow, which culture is the origins of the iron handed Catholic church that enforces it.
