Thursday, November 4, 2021


 Wow!!  Best article on 501c status.

This has been a trap by our overlords....

I challenge anyone to show this guy is off base.


  1. This follows a pattern in the Book of Mormon. When Christ was resurrected and visited the Nephites he has encountered a similar problem. Churches were not named after him even though they were quote-unquote following him. And he unified them under his name. Looks like the same thing is going to happen, but instead of calling at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints it's going to be called The Church of the firstborn. And somehow I doubt it's going to be a corporate entity.


    This is the kind of thing I expected from our church leaders. They should have been saying this and warning us at the conference last April.

  3. That blog is purely apostate. Even quotes Denver Snuffer-ex'ed apostate. I hope your blog isn't headed that way, for I've enjoyed it for years.

  4. He has good information and it's relevant. My thoughts when I read (or listen) to these things are is this someone I would ever want my my small circle? This guy is very conniving and who only wants what's in the best interest for him. He would never last in a group. People would rebel against him. I wouldn't be surprises if he's not married or at least I'd sympathize for his wife. Very learned and articulate. Doesn't seem to know when it's time to rely on the Lord. Never once did he talk about temples. His focus was the corporation part that he will never let go. It's not our stewardship. To that I'm actually glad. I do really like your opinions because you know how to dial it back. I do appreciate the read. Everyone that reads it needs to make sure you read all the comments because he has to correct himself about the Boise rumor stuff.

  5. I think blogs like this are important. Instead of calling out "apostate, apostate" refute these topics with facts and truth just like IRAQ asked you to do. Like IRAQ, I have really been confused at what is going on with the leadership of our church. I have been really confused as to why the prophet is telling us to take the jab and calling it safe and a literal "Godsend". He is essentially saying this vaccine is coming directly from God. While the same time, I have prayed and received my own inspiration from the Holy Ghost that I should not take this and my wife and five kids should not take this. The evidence is overwhelming that people are getting sick and dying by droves from the jab. This particular post made more sense to me than anything that I have found. I literally think it is an answer to my prayers of why things are the way they are. Thank you IRAQ for this post.

  6. I wonder if this might be a moment like the Kirtland Safety Society. Various members left the church when that venture failed and it certainly didn't look good for the prophet. I don't know of any specific instances, but it is certainly feasible that some members may have been prompted not to participate. The following statements from George Q. Cannon are important to remember:

    Now, was not Joseph Smith a mortal man? Yes. A fallible man? Yes. Had he not weaknesses? Yes, he acknowledged them himself, and did not fail to put the revelations on record in this book [10] wherein God reproved him. His weaknesses were not concealed from the people. He was willing that people should know that he was mortal, and had failings. And so with Brigham Young. Was not he a mortal man, a man who had weaknesses? He was not a God. He was not an immortal being. He was not infallible. No, he was fallible. And yet when he spoke by the power of God, it was the word of God to this people. [11] The First Presidency cannot claim, individually or collectively, infallibility. The infallibility is not given to men. They are fallible. [12]

    Do not, brethren, put your trust in man though he be a bishop; an apostle, or a president; if you do, they will fail you at some time or place, they will do wrong or seem to, and your support be gone; but if we lean on God, He never will fail us. When men and women depend on God alone, and trust in Him alone, their faith will not be shaken if the highest in the Church should step aside. They could still see that He is just and true, that truth is lovely in His sight, and the pure in heart are dear to Him. Perhaps it is His own design that faults and weaknesses should appear in high places in order that His Saints may learn to trust in Him and not in any man or men. Therefore, my brethren and sisters, seek after the Holy Spirit and His unfailing testimony of God and His work upon the earth. Rest not until you know for yourselves that God has set His hand to redeem Israel, and prepare a people for His coming. [13]

    for listed references see:

  7. I appreciate these Blogs like this one listed as well as yours, help us to know we are not alone, we are not going crazy. It has bothered me for sometime that Brethren have said very little in the past 20 - 30 years or so in support of the Principals of the US Constitution that entails the Secret Combo's all other lies and deceptions around us. This, I believe, has permitted members to accept many perverted ideas and philosophies as the shots, BLM, LGBT movements, link that with the Govermedia attacks on every moral and innocent people who oppose them creating a societal divide in this nation. Support of these shots or face masking through intimidation and threats within a fake pandemic, which functions as a religion itself, with as much fervor accorded it, are dividing us in our own church.

    I was reading recently a book I picked up from the DI by Lance Richardson's NDE. He stated that the one thing that came through his experiences was the need to serve one another. This was the principal upon which Enoch's city was built upon; that everyone treated each other as themselves. Not just a service project but to actually to be concerned of the welfare of others. I think it is a good reminder as too how to approach this division. How we can begin to develop our own Zion regardless of beliefs. I choose not to leave the church, as it would appear that according to the D&C 85:8 Speaking of the one Mighty and Strong makes a reference in 8 that those appointed and called by God "shall fall by the shaft of death"
    They must presume they still have the authority and keys to act on earth, at least until they are removed, which is the Lords job - thank heavens it is not our job. This means we may have to accept the wearing of the symbolic Jewish star sort, to be outcasts.

  8. In response to questions about a failed revelation (about selling the BofM copyright in Canada), Joseph Smith said “Some revelations come from God, some from man, and some from the devil.” Joseph Smith, himself, claimed that prophets of God can be mistaken about what is revealed from God.
