Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 I just had a great analogy pop into my mind as I was re-reading yesterday's post.  I usually just write something and hit the publish button - so many articles come off as mis-spelled and poorly thought out rag pieces.  And often rightly so.....    But I will often read them the next day or week or my editor-in-chief wife will come along and correct me or get me to tone something down, even though she is not on the editorial board nor is she drawing a salary from Wood Zone Inc.

But anyway, I get a bunch of comments worried about apostasy on my part.  Look, nothing could be further from the truth and I have proof.  When I first got my heart broken by a cute girl back in the school boy daze, I never went homo on everyone and started chasing boys.  I did end up severing feelings for that cute girl, but went on to chase another girl.  I stayed in the same camp because I fundamentally am attracted to the shape, the smell, the essence of femininity.  I really dig chicks.  Eventually, I locked it in when I got married.  Never once did I stray in some kind of alphabit dalliance on the dark side.  The very thought is revolting to me....  Seriously revolting.  To the point that anyone that acts out on an ssa I consider to be mentally ill or demonically possessed or possibly influenced.  It is unnatural to me (although I do feel for those who had Uncle Bob or Paul the Priest do a number on them as a kid and they imprinted off the turd express or just touching another dude as normal behavior).  For this, there are caring and competent professionals that can get them back on the road to normalized behavior for their gender, wherin they can get down to the business of fulfilling the first commandment ever given to man in the Garden of Eden; multiply and replenish the earth.  As I always say, no conception ever occurred in the human rectum or in the rectory (if you were a Catholic altar boy working for a pedophile priest).  In those instances, it was more like (w)rec(ks)tory for those poor little boys whose parents trusted Father Frederick or Paul Priest....  Something only a millstone and copious amounts of water would cure.....

So afer all this rambling setup, my point is that just because I left a woman - or better, the woman left me, I did not stop cavorting with women, just that particular one unless she comes back begging for forgiveness....  If the woman suddenly declares she is going to allow men to marry each other over the altar (as many of the turd troupe have expected will happen), then I am out of the relationship.  If she goes cavorting with any other dude named Beast, I am out and she is on her own.  If she is stupid enough to go after Beast, I will not take her back under any circumstances.

And there you have it.  I might consider myself as much an apostate as Jesus would have been considered one in His day.  In open rebellion to the drunkards of Ephraim as it says in Isaiah 28.  That is an apostasy that I can handle and fully endorse.


  1. It's not a faith crisis, it's an institutional crisis...

  2. The October Liahona, page 20, preaches tolerance toward those who identify as LGBGT... homosexuals and bisexuals. There should be no question that anyone who does not act upon these things is worthy, maybe, to participate in Church activities. But who the hell are they! We have no idea who identifies that way unless there has been some experimentation, and a popular culture that makes it acceptable only further encourages these attitudes, so no wonder we would see a rise in this behavior.

    This is an article that should have been short and sweet, makes it sound more like capitulation or kissup to the militant homo's. but the militants aren't fooled, they will keep pushing.

    I don't have dog in this hunt. I know of people who have a visceral dislike of homos. but I admit to not feeling that comfortable around some such people, others I really do like as individuals.

    It should be mentioned that this lifestyle is wholly self destructive. A good guy I liked, worked at a restaurant near our office ended his life some years ago in a hotel room. Don't know how it happened, we assumed he was involved in some aberrant behavior as he was not a depressed. Many have taken jobs that does not require that much from them and they end up as more itinerant grifters. Others divorce their spouses leaving the children even more disoriented and confused, potentially messing up some of their lives in the process.

    They can become extremely jealous and destructive.
    A famous restaurateur here in SLC was found dead in his house that was set a fire by his jilted lover partner or sorts.

  3. One of the issues that the church has never legitimately resolved is the controversy between what Brigham taught about Adam and God and what is taught today. Brigham taught that Jehovah and Michael were resurrected beings from a previous earth when they created our earth. But today it is taught that they were spirits that had never been given and kept their second estate but somehow were prepare to create a physical world.

    The very fact that it was Brigham that codified the original endowment ceremony should not be forgotten. And how can anyone believe that D&C 136 is an authentic Word of the Lord revelation and then throw other claims of revelation by Brigham under the bus so easily?
