Saturday, August 21, 2021


 So, the guy who runs the LD Truth blog reached out to me and mentioned that he and other collaborators have compiled a vaccine truth site.

One thing I have not really focused on this blog is all the pros and cons of this covenant with death and hell.

There is so much censoring going on.  The lies are running deep.  It is a war of words.  I have lost complete confidence in the managers who are guiding the flock.  It feels like wolves more than shepherds.  All the good people I have come to know as sincere and good to the core are horrified.  Many are being driven from the Church.  It - to be frank and direct - is a complete and utter shitshow.  No better words out there to describe it.  The idea that we throw a portion of the membership under the bus to “keep the temples open” is utter bullshit.  Keep them open for what?  So the 20-30% of the membership that survives the overflowing scourge can continue on at a radically reduced rate of proxy ordinance work?  I don’t think so....

Here is the link if you are trying to keep someone from dozing off:

God help us all!

1 comment:

  1. You would think of all things for the leadership of the Church to do, before making any commitments on the Covid issue and shots, they would first vet the comments to the opposite of the popular propaganda, but I see no evidence of such interest. Joel Skousen has the kindest statement that they are simply naive. Means they have not researched this. The problem with man, is that we have prejudices that prevent us from going beyond our truncated belief systems. I see the reference Jesus gave to become as a little child, is a core to revelation, I believe, which means to be open, without guile or prejudice with a desire to know. We can make mistakes, but thats ok as long as we stretch ourselves, and take a chance of failure.

    I think the Church have stretched policy trumping revelation to a point where things are going to snap. Permissiveness towards the socialist / marxist tendencies of some BYU professors and tolerance of these attitudes, being popular with the world have me bothered.
    I just read this today.
    D&C 93: 24 - 25 says " And "truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were and as they are to come:
    25 And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning.

    Leaving the Church is wholly counterproductive unless you don't believe the ordinances made at baptism and later in the temples. The Leadership still maintains this authority, I am not aware of anyone else having it. I let the Lord deal with those guys in his own way, our job is put our lives in order and to be obedient to what truths the Leadership provides, in order to receive blessings and protection. This is a brave new world we have just entered.

    Thank you
