Friday, June 18, 2021


 Well, I have to say, we are in our second year of drought according to this report:

The map in the report shows all of the SW in a severe drought zone - which is what Bishop Koyle said would happen and that it would stretch out from there (see the dark red in the drought map in the link above) to the rest of the USA.  Even here in S. Albera we recently got a hot, dry south wind which we rarely ever get.  That pushed us into the 90s early in our temp cycles for the year.

Folks, even the gad governor of Utah is asking people to pray for rain.  The problem is whether we merit it, or not.  The rains are often stayed from the wicked.  In the month of mocking rainbow flags, we could ponder on that a little bit.  There is an awful lot of support for that thing right now in Utah during rainbow month.  It is one thing to persecute those who do not fit into society - but an entirely other thing to give tacit approval by hanging a flag.  Instead of encouraging a wayward person to repent, putting up a sign of support enables/encourages the person in their behavior/act.  The best thing we can do for those we truly love, is to be firm in our stance of getting them to seek help for what is clearly an addiction or behavioral problem (look at drug use and average death age among male homosexuals vs their heterosexual counterparts).  It is more than a choice or just something that someone is born with.  It is often a self-loathing, addictive (sex addict) behavior and can be treated with good counseling, love and re-direction.

Hey, it worked (kind of) with Bathhouse Barry when he went through Revernd Wright's program in S. Chicago and hooked up with Michael!....

So, seriously, I have always wondered how there will be a year without a rainbow before the Savior comes (not sure if that prophecy was US-wide or worldwide).  You basically have to have water droplets in the atmosphere in order for that to occur.  If there is a US-wide drought that culminates in the fourth year with so little moisture that we basically have no chance of having a rainbow, then Bishop Koyle is once again proven right on the length and timing of this thing.  It would end in 2024, which would be a nice end to the whole thing when that eclipse moves across the sky.

Likely the lack of food will invoke war as people simply have to kill in order to acquire enough resources to survive.  Water and food will be the new currencies.


  1. I saw a commentary that said that a temple sealer had told a person "Pray for rain? I feel like we are praying for the wrong thing?"

    "How so?"

    "We need to pray for more people to repent. Only when there is a general repentance amongst the members and amongst the people in general will there be rain again soon."

    It makes perfect sense. Right before the COVID broke out of China to infect the entire world, there was sabers rattling in Iran after Trump on good intelligence decided to take out the Solemani guy in Baghdad. Had the sabers rattled there very well could have been war.

    So maybe the prophet asks for something else, maybe a type of famine of sorts instead of war. We saw a man-inflicted famine as COVID restrictions limited activities that were not listed as "essential" like restaurants, without noting that the number one consumers for farm products tend to be the restaurants and not the supermarkets. Then a God-inflicted famine in the American Southwest and northern Mexico.

    I made a quote on social media recently about the David Archuleta bi reveal bruhaha on a page frequented by LDS Church members when they look for General Conference talks. Looking at the quote in context it appeared that Archuleta was saying that he struggles from the same sex attraction but hasn't acted on it, and wants to keep himself clean and with the covenants.

    I then mentioned that if there was anything to be "proud" of from that statement, it was precisely that he mentioned that he wanted to keep his covenants. I also warned that in this month of "pride", "pride" comes before the fall and to beware of pride citing Ezra Taft Benson's talk on the subject.

    I got a lot of anger reacts, was called a homophobe, was called judgmental, and that the pride exhibited by the LGBT community was righteous pride and that we all need to be allies of their causes.

    This was disgusting.

    I have seen also an LGBT meme that essentially shows what they want to do. I will share it with you here, if I can figure out how to embed images in the comment section.

  2. The image which I mentioned before shows a steamroller piloted by an LGBT activist wearing orange, another one wearing green (which is also the color that the pro abortion crowd uses in Latin America), and another traditional activist wearing the upside down red triangle (which was the old emblem used by the gay community before they came up with the rainbow flag minus one).

    The steamroller wheel has the rainbow colors associated with the LGBT crowd.

    In front of the steamroller is the opposition, with the words written out in Spanish that translate into English as "The Sanctity of Marriage", "Christian Values", "Traditional Families" and "Etc". Some are fleeing, others are staying still, while the steamroller runs over them.

    Everyone will comply, this implies. This implies that everyone will comply because, going back to the LGBT and abortion activists driving the steamroller, smiling as they run over people dressed up in black and white, the lead guy is wearing orange.

    Orange means healing. So, for the LGBT crowd to truly be healed, they must eliminate anyone that dares to tell them that they are doing wrong or that opposes their plans. Green is the color used for abortion in Latin America, so likewise opposition to abortion must be shuttered and eliminated. One must be made to look like an Untermensch if they support traditional marriage or they oppose abortion.

    This is the end goal. I refuse to be an "ally" to this type of cause. I also refuse to use plural pronouns to refer to a singular individual because there is Scriptural cause for such people to have been possessed.

  3. Did you mean hot, dry, east Alberta?

  4. This was the meme I was talking about.

    First post.

  5. Leviticus 26. This is the law that governs the different stages of the abomination of desolation as spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Prayer does not stop or alter a drought. Only by altering our actions and thoughts will the drought cease. If you read Leviticus 26 you will see the transition from judgment to judgment until 90% of us are gone. And as you can see by Isaiah the people do not repent they do not alter their ways. Judgment is not set however Isaiah points out that the final outcome is horrendous for us.

  6. I have come to believe it is not a literal rainbow but rather describes a certain level of wickedness. A year without hope, a level of wickedness so profound men lose their ability to cope. A year when the prophet finally calls a solemn assembly. The rainbow is a symbol of hope and renewal.
