Monday, June 7, 2021


 Well, the middle managers at LDS.corp just keep ratcheting up the ante on things - and I am getting super pissed off.... as the second class citizen that I am, being the un-vaxxed drivel.  All of the team players at church and work have gotten this thing.  It appears that the rest of us will be marginalized.  At least until there are no more grandbabies, etc for those who trusted so heavily in the arm of the flesh.  This is a population eradication and control device.  There are patents (taken out by all the key players) that prove it.

I am not sure I could be more incensed with this situation.  I might have been persuaded to reverse my position on paying tithing to my Bishop.  I am not so sure any more as I find myself increasingly at odds with these middle managers.  And it was mighty satisfying last Friday cutting the local food bank a massive check where I know it will do some good instead of going to sterilize black kids in Africa with the $20 million already sent over there....  Helping Bill Gates help the poor kids in India and Africa (sure....).  Instead of killing, my wife and I are doing some drilling.  Over in Africa that is.  Our Humanitarian aid is going directly to a not for profit well-drilling program over there.  With proper water and human waste disposal techniques, most illnesses can be eliminated.  Teaching proper principles of Chastity can eliminate many more.  With one billion dollars and the organizational capacity to get things done, the Church could eliminate typhus-infested drinking water sources (by having hand pumped water from wells) and do educational missions to teach about proper sanitation and care of human waste so as to not infest the drinking water, etc.  But instead, it will all be lost when the stock market crashes, or it is inflated away.  Even my 18 year old daughter can see it and sees that she needs to get her college money to a safe position and away from the cash position.  

If she (who rarely drinks from my kool-aid pitcher) can see past the "all is well in Zion" clamoring from and Good Global, then why are we not getting the warning from the top to do the same?  Instead, our food resources are being sold off and we are told to just calm down and stay away from any forms of real preps.  In fact, if you are prepping, you are looked on with scorn and contempt within the ranks of the Church.  If you are actually doing it, you are often ridiculed because there is no support from the leadership at almost any level.  Yet, the very best people I know (absolute salt of the earth), are the ones sounding the alarm bells while there is no call to arms from the top.  Just calls to raise the white flag of "good global citizen".  Collectively, we deserve everything we have coming to us.

Here is my response to a FB group I am in where they showed the news release for only vaxxed people are allowed in the MTC (does not the vaccine make people immune to my lack of immunization)?  The lack of logic here is deafening:

The non-vaxxed are second class citizens.... So lovely! So when 70-90% of the kids come home from missions and cannot carry out very first commandment given to mankind due to infertility, who will shoulder the responsibility for that?!? If a random stranger approached any one of my children on the street and induced them with any kind entreaty to remove their ovaries or testicles, I would consider it my duty to remove them from society.

We have an analogous situation here. These sunzab’s are socially forcing my children into making a covenant with death and hell. No more!


  1. Amen Brother,

    This MTC requirement is very telling. The Church's stance on these gene editing vaccines is very telling. A lot of actions and inactions of late have been very telling. Can't the Brethren see past their own noses? Where are our seers and revelators?

    If the spirit is constantly warning me against this covenant of death, where are they receiving their revelation from?

    I asked our Heavenly Father about this predicament. His instruction was simple and powerful -President Nelson and others have brought down the wrath of God upon themselves and will shortly be removed. The wicked destroy themselves.

    Have faith Iraq. This is God's church, not President Nelson's nor certain Apostles. They may think so but they are deluded. They have exercised unrighteous dominion. These men, knowingly or unknowingly, have committed atrocities, and have turned away from Christ to aid the adversary in trying to frustrate the will of God. They have been allowed demonstrate their allegiances and seal their fates and will be removed from their positions by their own hands. After this a great setting in order will occur.

    They will also be held accountable for using tithing for evil purposes.

  2. Be careful and watch yourself, if you leave the church you may leave your salvation as well. Step by step inch by inch we leave what we know to be true behind and it always leads to destruction.
    Look at our most prime examples of our the day. Chad Daybell, Denver Snuffer.
    Pride and an internal compass that has gone bad and we find ourselves loosing our way.
    Perhaps Mr WoodZone you need to spend more time reading the words of the current prophet and less time searching the words of a known false prophet John Koyle. His gold mine is never going to produce gold and your soul is at stake.
