Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Here is a link to this earlier article:

There is great significance here given that President Nelson will not die a natural death (cannot name source - just that it has been accurate and hitting on all cylinders to this point).  When he took the jab, and I realized what Isaiah 28:14 meant, it all fits.

I have been hearing (just whisperings) that he will die of the purple spots and that the leadership will try and cover it up as it will cast a shadow on his openly political call encouraging the jab and even mentioning it in the official Handbook of Pharisees, which must have to be approved from the top (guessing here).

When that happens, President Oaks will be called as the Prophet in the Conference Center after the Joseph and the Savior make their appearance as Heber C. Kimball prophesied (and Spencer confirmed in his narrative).  I still think we are a few years out.  There needs to be a little more time to persecute the hell out of the humble followers of Christ who have "Hear(d) Him".  Likely, many of them will move into a translated state for the next step.

Then this thing will come to a royal head and the pus-filled sore will burst.  As with any nasty, painful boil, it will be a massive relief for the sufferer(s).

Those who have passed the test will go on to build the New Jerusalem as members of the Church of the First Born, as prophesied by Heber C. Kimball and as mentioned in the NT and the D&C.  It is part of a stage of progression.  A natural progression, just as it was in the days of Jesus as He moved the construct away from the lesser thing and took it to the higher thing.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was never meant to make it to the end of the Millennium.  It is a vehicle to get the people to the gates of the Millennium and not through them.

Many would call this apostate drivel, but they do not know their doctrine.  Blind guides - often leading or attempting to lead the blind.


  1. I would like to point out that the following doesn't seem likely:

    "When that happens, President Oaks will be called as the Prophet in the Conference Center after the Joseph and the Savior make their appearance as Heber C. Kimball prophesied (and Spencer confirmed in his narrative)."

    First of all, Heber C. Kimball never said any such thing about President Oaks. Second, this completely contradicts with Bishop Koyle said, who you acknowledge as a true prophet. Koyle said when Joseph returns to cleanse the church, ALL of the leaders in Salt Lake will be dismissed and new ones called in their place.

  2. Man you are becoming very negative lately. I heard from a very well known Dreamer. one of the only legit ones, that he is martered by the Chinese so he is in very good standing with the lord and will allow his blood to be shed, just as js did. This is what will happen, it is not sickness. Please stop being so negative to the brethren....
