Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Okay, for the slow learners (yes, that was a jab), I will pontificate a little more on the Heisenberg Principle.

Here is a comment on an earlier post on the blog:

What happened to your Ogden Temple predictions?

If you have read up on the three things that make up a prophecy (whether personal or over the pulpit, or even from Jesus himself), you will know there are three elements:  event, location and time.

I put them in that order for a reason.  Mostly, you have to have an event.  You cannot really say that "a bad thing is going to happen on the corner of 4th and Main on Sept 18th at 9am because that is really too vague.

You can say that the Temple will be destroyed (event and location) within one generation (or 20-40 years) and still have it be valid as the time is not locked in definitively.

When shown my dream of the Ogden nuke, I was given the event and location (saw both quite clearly), but I thought I was given the time (in the dream, there were still blue Genie lifts up and it appeared that the Temple was dried in, as I saw most of the trim work inside a locker room was completed around the window, etc and the locker dividers were in place).  As I got outside and began to pan around the grounds, I saw the grounds were still being installed (landscaping, etc) and final outside finish was still underway with scaffolding still up on some portions of the building.  It appeared they were still installing the cladding, etc.

It was after that inspection of the state of things, that I panned southward and saw the black mushroom cloud rising up over HAFB and then about 5-7 seconds later felt the pressure wave.  I would love to calculate the time it would take for a pressure wave to go 12 miles or so that the Temple is from the center of the Base, just to satiate my curiosity.  Anyway, the blast was so real that I startled awake and then asked for a confirmation dream; which occurred perfectly.  I have never had something so mechanically aligned.  It was just as I asked for, when we discovered the two hens of that specific breed had indeed endured a hawk strike, just as shown in the confirmation dream.

A few things in relation to this.  From others' experiences, we only know that it occurs around the time of the SLC EQ to purge the slothful who likely did not separate themselves out at the behest of the Prophet.  Anything else is pretty nebulous.  This is where I went wrong.  Knowing I was shown all three elements in my dream, I should have "de-selected" one of them as not valid or just as reference material to show me that it was indeed the Ogden Temple which was still under construction at the time, and not a timeframe as to when the event would occur....  Anyone who gives all three with a surety is likely leading you astray.  Agency cannot support this notion.

These details have caused my wife to really scratch her head.  She believes what I saw was valid - but says that there might be some sort of renovation on the temple.  One of my Cardston peeps is one who does complete renos on the temples around the world often blasting them right down to the metal studs and cement.  I am not sure if this will be the case for Ogden, but I saw what I saw.

In my dream from the night my kid died, it was me talking to my best friend as "I" was dying and I explained to him as I was fading out of this world that "it was my time to go", "Do not blame yourself", "It was meant to be".  All messages clearly for me and his mother - yet the event was clearly off and no time was given (he was already dead about three hours when the dream was given to me).  Clearly that was symbolic (I was my kid talking to his best friend, his daddy).  While he adored his mother, especially for her care and milk, I was his constant play buddy when I was home from work and giving his mother a break from the day with him.  The second part of the dream was spot on in relation to timing (within minutes after dealing with a turkey on one of the two holidays when we might have a turkey), but the event was extremely out in left field and the location was nebulous at best.

The third part of the dream dealt with a hospital and I was shown it in uncanny detail, even the wording coming over the interphone at the end of visiting hours and one of the patients that was there with brown curly hair.  That occurred two years and three months after the death of our son - but the timing was nebulous other than it was visiting hours, while the location was simply not present in the dream.

All of those three scenarios verified to me that dreams are difficult, at best, to interpret.  Yet, those three scenarios were fulfilled PERFECTLY and gave me great comfort when we realized that a Higher Power was involved in the events.  I was so freaked out after the hospital portion of the event that I was shaking almost uncontrollably with excitement, because up to that point, I was a truly scared rabbit.  I had no consolation in my future.  Just as with the outcome of my son's death, that gave me confidence that God is in control.  And it has since that day.  I just react almost mechanically to the unexplained circumstances in life and ask, "What do I need to learn from this!?", instead of "Why are you doing this to me??"  The outcome which has led to spiritual maturity and confidence in God's plan.

As for the HAFB dream/vision, the question is WHY me?  Well, my oldest just got a job there.  My wife and I have gotten yet one more chance to exercise faith in "the plan" for us, as we now have skin in that game.

One last interesting thought.  If you know something of the future, what is your first impulse if it is something that is not pleasant?  Yes, you are right.  It is to attempt to change it.

If you were in a position to do something and you were aware of a plot to blow up the Conference Center or Whitehouse or some other big event during a very public event that would be devastating and cause intense suffering and loss of life, what would you do?  What would tens of thousands of people in the know do?  Even by our very thought processes and prayer and pleadings, we could and can and do change the outcome of that very event.  Think of Nineveh.  Think of our international day of prayer on this Covid thing.  Did the curve flatten and it become a non-event because of that?  We may never know.

What if my dream about my kid came the previous night as a dream of premonition and warning instead of a dream of consolation (after the fact)?  Might I have checked on him frequently throughout the night and been able to thwart the event?  And always wonder why I had a dream that never fully came to fruition?  If it came the night after the funeral and not during the night before discovering his lifeless body, might I have dismissed it as an anxiety dream produced by my mind; instead of a dream of prophetic notion?  As things were, I had no alternative but to take it at face value (a sign from God of His tenderness and mercy to one of his children who was about to get gob-smacked due to purposes that were strictly in God's design as my son was called over to help with the work on the other side of the veil; heaven knows my wife and I wanted him here with us).

The night before I fell off my roof, I had a premonition of shocking strength three times in a row.  Was that a warning for me?  Yes, I think so.  Could I have avoided the pain and mild suffering I endured?  Yes, it is possible, if I had done a little more than just pray for safety that morning.  Maybe, instead of just writing a love letter to my oldest (who was a baby at the time), I could have spent a little more time exploring my feelings about things and fleshed out what I was feeling and why.  It was not a dream to deal with the consequences of peeing blood from damaged kidneys, it was a "BE CAREFUL" lucid warning.  In it, I was given no event or time or even location.  Just an inference that I was going to get my bell rung very hard.

So, yes - this is all fascinating to me.  The takeaway is very little is carved in stone when it comes to these things.  They are all subjective and thus, I have not sold everything and moved to Ogden to wear gunny sack clothing and wear a sign saying the end is near; repent!  I have just shared them on the Journal/Blog and you can sort through what the Spirit is telling you, if you happen to have some skin in the game, like my wife and I now do.  

Remember; event/location/time.  Never all three at once.

1 comment:

  1. Once I had a dream near the end of my mission but it became as a before and after.

    I am not one to discount dreams and this is a reason why I like this blog, because you are not afraid to tell things as it is, even though at times some stuff may rub me the wrong way.

    The dream was like a before-after picture. Before, I saw my area and the city where I was serving in. After, I saw that same city devastated and the people humbled. I did not see the event. But I did see that the time was not far distant.

    I returned from my mission and four months after I returned, I saw that same city, under water. The worst floods that had ever been had there, with only about a kilometer-wide radius of the city above water. Said kilomter-wide radius centered on the Temple in that city.
