Tuesday, June 23, 2020

APOPHIS - 2029

I have blogged this years ago and believe this narrative.  This produces the wave I spoke of.  After the Chinese have afflicted us, this will be the result that brings them home:

Very sobering witness to John’s revelation.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-zKC00qvGE
    Thanks for your suggestion. It made me look up this person and found this other video by him. Very interesting.

    1. It's not going to worrrrk! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJhKBsf1F_c
      If modifications could work why can't science figure out how to fix those with Muscular Dystrophy with some 32 plus variations of the condition. Not saying that the deep state isn't attempting such a thing, they would likely use it upon themselves only. Any adjustment upon a sentient being for who the spirit of Christ would have effect, cannot be genetically eliminated. Reminds me of the Boy's from Brazil movie where Post WW2 Nazi attempt to raise a Hitler, causes them to develop Hitler clones of some number of children living under similar family conditions as Hitler with hopes of creating a new leader, is hilarious, given that each spirit that enters a body all have different personalities, interests and drives. The only difference is if there are some with nefarious impulses have made agreements with Satan in the preexistence - if they were stupid enough, but then there are many who picked Christ's side of the argument, I would imagine, who saw the obvious, although short sighted, advantage of at least having a body regardless of how wicked they desired to be upon the earth.
