Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Folks, you MUST watch this if you care about the truth:


WORTH the 25 mins.  I would make this required watching if I were a Biology teacher.....

The gads are in control.  If we do not stand up to them, we stand condemned before every generation that has ever lived on this planet.


  1. ���������� yes! Thank u for sharing

  2. Looks like I'm late. youtube already pulled it.

  3. Eric, this is Jamie. I watched the video this morning but was going to show it to my wife tonight. Any chance you can send me the video now that it has been removed?

  4. The video that was pulled from YouTube can be downloaded on the front page of their website: https://plandemicmovie.com/

  5. This has been hard to find! The video keeps coming down everywhere it's posted. The vimeo link on the plandemic website is broken now too! I managed to find and watch the video on Facebook. Check it out while you can: https://www.facebook.com/awakenpart2/videos/vb.100262624839285/276988253329377/?type=3&theater

  6. Not many people believe such corruption is possible in government and the media complex. And I thought Global Warming or Change was the greatest hoax, now it is manufactured seriousness of this virus that has taken No 1 spot.

    You try to alert people, but it is glassy eye land. Their reality is whatever the news tells them it is. No questions asked. Whatever the KSL with Mormony looking bobble headed news casters promote, it must be true, and they are pumping the Covid thing for all it's worth like the other stations. One would say; surely the Church would not permit such deception from taking place. Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief believes the leadership is naive as the rest of the population. I am not so sure, there must be some who are aware of the deception. One would say that the Church must play up to the establishment, unfortunately they would also be deceiving the membership. You tell me how it works?
