Well, I just may ease my grudge on the guy a bit over how he was so nasty on Trump early on....
He is hitting on all cylinders again:
Folks, in order for the global elites/gadiantons to do anything, they have to announce their intentions so that we the people (who give inferred permission) are held accountable. These are the rules of heaven/hell. The rules of engagement, so to speak.
There are different levels of complicity. If I walk up to someone and hand them my wallet, then it is a form of contract that I have agreed to. If someone comes up to me and politely asks for my wallet and even just mildly forcefully does so; and I give in and hand it over with no protest, I am complicit with their action. If someone comes up to me and mildly demands my wallet and you gauge their threat as real but only mildly or even stridently protest, then you begin to release yourself of obligation for the loss of the money, etc. If they jump out behind me in a dark alley and put a gun to my head and do the same while you protest this action from mildly to forcefully including a struggle, there is obviously no complicity or agreement there in any one of those degrees.
The devil must tacitly gain our approval before he can act. We have to be a little more than lukewarm in our response. This is why it talks in Revelations about spewing us out because we were luke warm. This is where I really get frustrated. With cold people, they can be easily recognize the cold by shivering and so much else and act to remove the coldness. With warm or lukewarm people, it is nearly impossible to convince them that they are going to go hypothermic. God cannot work with them because they are caught in a deep sleep from which no man wakes (or few do).
God would like us red hot on fire. So when I get comments about overdoing it, I just laugh to myself because I am just always on the edge of slumber (in my mind). Congenial complacency. I am attracted to people who have gotten screwed over and who are still a little hot under the collar. My wife was one, as a survivor of sexual abuse. She has some fire in her.
No offense, but I could never be married to the likes of someone who has never raised their voice over a topic they are passionate about. When I heard President Hinckley talk about how he and his bride never once had been in an argument, I thought to myself what a dreary existence that would be. Not that I would want non-stop fighting - but I would like someone with some backbone and passion for life. The alternative seems pointless to me. And all of my kids have opinions and they are not afraid to express them. They can kill it in a debate. I even feel sorry for the teacher that finds themselves on the wrong side of an issue with any one of them....
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