Sunday, April 19, 2020


And here we go....  Basic income for every citizen of the earth.

Here is where this is headed; universal socialism, where the slothful and indolent get a free ride off the backs of those who work hard.

Selfish of me, you might say??  Nope, charitable actually.

Reduce or nearly eliminate interest?  Now we are talking!

In God’s millennial income, those who can work, MUST work.  The idler shall not enjoy the fat of the land.  Satan’s plan was all about “something for nothing”.  God’s plan takes WORK.  What we cannot do for ourselves, that is provided, just as those who cannot work are provided for.

People will be deceived because they are deceived and are too lazy to look it up.


  1. I am amazed the Pope is an adult, without the vaguest clue as to how economics works.
    It is like some people look at the world as the glass half empty as opposed to half full.
    Half empty as to ignore the benefits the current economic system has provided so much for so many people, in-spite of the taxes and financial burdens that have been put upon the backs of the people.

    No mystery where ever socialism / communism are tried it is a failure. My point about socialism is that there is no end to it, it must have more power and control until people are starving to death or the opposition is exterminated, representing endless conflict, one way or the other, death, misery and suffering is all that is left to look forward to. But people even members of the Church just don't get it.

    It would appear to me that socialism represents what we call "The World" and too many would say, oh that is just politics - I have no clue how you separate religion and politics. People should have at least the basics in recognizing right and wrong when you see the villainy of the left and the endless compromising of the Republicans. I assume there is a specter of popularity associated with this, being broad, or open minded, compromising, being politically correct. So many active members of the Church have attached themselves to these things, more or less and ignore the ugly parts such as a Democrat that ignores the abortions his party has supported because they champion some other platform of the party.

  2. He's no "prophet," unless you count Lucifer inspiring a man, I suppose, as a "prophet."

    I prefer to give the "false prophet" tag to people like Julie Rowe, who, admittedly, does seem to have an ability (an ability to draw in deceiving spirits), and maybe she saw some things, but she's the most deluded blabbermouth member (ex-member, that is) I've ever seen, and the worst possible spokesperson for the Lord. Thanks to her and the likes of Daybell, the prepper movement comes off as foolish.
